Chapter 41- A little bit of backfire

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Ch.41- A little bit of backfire

*Next Morning (Thursday) *

The early morning sunlight warmed the cool side of my face, sending rays of light straight to my closed eyelids, which caused me to grimace at the harsh light forcing me to awake from my peaceful slumber. Waking up early in the morning was never a thing that I enjoyed since when I first woke up everything was groggily and it always felt like swimming from the bottom of a pool to the top. It was always hard to start moving but once you reached the surface, you got your reward of oxygen filled lungs and your senses returned to normal; in my case my reward was usually coffee and food. Although this morning I quite enjoyed how I woke up. The first sound that I heard just before I opened my eyes were Paul's heavy snores and that sound, although obnoxiously loud at times, was one that I enjoyed hearing first thing in the morning. Besides the snoring coming from near my ears, I felt hot breath hit the back of my neck, causing a shiver to run up my spine. After I opened my eyes, I noticed that somehow in the midst of our dreams the sleeping position that Paul and I were in the start of our sleep had changed into a different sleeping position altogether; one that I really didn't want to move out of.

The handsome man next to me has his arm wrapped around my waist and has my back pressed against his chest, his gorgeous face is buried in my hair, where I can hear and feel his breathing by my ear as he spoons me. A happy content sigh leaves my mouth as I relax in Paul's embrace, trying to save this feeling and moment of peaceful bliss into my memory before I have to face the world waiting beyond my bedroom door. I glance at the bedside table, noticing that my alarm clock reads that it's only six-thirty in the morning and it's red, blurry, block numbers remind me that school begins in three hours or less. As my vision becomes more focused, less groggily and blurred, my other senses seem to awaken on their own accord. Besides Paul's deep breathing, my ears seem to pick up on the nice purring roar of a few car engines as they arrive just outside Sam's place and I begin to hear the nice hum of familiar murmuring voices making conversation upon entering the cabin, as they wait for breakfast to be made. The mouthwatering aroma of freshly fried maple bacon and the bittersweet scent of fresh coffee filters through the air vents from the kitchen to my bedroom, reaching my nose and causes my stomach to rumble in hunger. I cringe at the uncomfortable hunger pain and my craving to satisfy my coffee addiction outweighs the temptation to stay in my imprint's loving, peaceful arms for the rest of the day.

As my mind slowly starts to wonder how I'm going to escape from Paul's embrace and not disturb his quiet sleep, it's as if he could sense that I'm planning to leave because the arm that's wrapped around my waist loosely has now tighten its hold on me and pulls me closer to his chest so that my back is pressed hard against it. Warmth sinks into my back bones and as much as I try to fight against it, I let myself go back to relaxing against the warmth as it hits a rather sore spot on my back, mentally cursing myself all the while in doing so. Figuring that I won't be able to escape his hold until he wakes up, I turn myself around in Paul's arms so that our semi-clothed chests are only millimetres apart and just stare up at his handsome face that looks innocent and angelic like as he snores. For whatever reason, it always seems like human beings look younger and more innocent when they are asleep since no one feels the weight of their own world on their shoulders in the dream realm, unless it's a nightmare. Not wanting to appear like a stalker type girlfriend for staring up at him, I feel my eyes flutter shut as a sudden wave of exhaustion falls upon me unexpectedly. Right when I'm on the very verge of falling asleep all over again, I hear a loud groan from Paul as he begins to stir awake. I feel a feather light touch as a strand of my bright blonde hair gets tucked behind my ear and my eyes flutter back open, deep dark brown eyes connecting with equally deep dark blue eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Paul says huskily, his voice laced with sleep, but yet the very sound of it is almost sexy and would make any girl want to jump the bones of the guy in front of them. I reign in the temptation to bite my lip, knowing damn well that Paul would be able to see his affect on me, which only would make his ego grow too big to handle.

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