Chapter 32: Rumors and shit that follows them

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It's been a few weeks since I found out that my father is working alongside the Volturi and ever since then, it seems as though things have gone from bad to worse. After a week of being back at home with my friends and family, a wedding invitation was sent to myself, Seth and his mom, and the Blacks. This wedding invitation was sent from Bella and Edward, and unfortunately when Billy and Jake received their invitation, Jake's reaction wasn't the greatest. He ran away and since he ran away, everything has been extremely stressful. I've locked myself in my room, falling into my depression once more, ever since I found out about Jacob's disappearance. That was two days ago.

I feel so many emotions towards him, but at the same time I feel as though I'm numb to everything once more. Everything that has happened to me so far is still affecting me. Jake promised that he wouldn't leave me,but he broke that promise again and that hurts me even more every time he breaks it over and over again. Although, at the same time, I do understand why he did run away from all the pain.

A loud knock on the door interrupts my thoughts of the previous events, filling the silence in the room as my eyes remain trained on the forest outside my window. It's as if I'm just waiting for Jake to come out of the forest and say just kidding, like when we used to do when we were young kids, or come back to apologize for hurting me even more then I've been hurt; deep down I know he won't come back and do that for my sake. Although part of me does understand why he would run away from everything, I would as well if Paul broke up with me and rejected me for someone else; it would be the last straw on the camel's back. A sigh comes from behind the door and my feet shuffle to my bed, where I sit down next to my bedside table; wanting to continue my usual routine of curling up under the covers, but yet deciding against it for reasons unknown to even me. Just as the person knocks once more, my blue HTC phone vibrates once again, reminding me of the many denied phone calls and unanswered text messages; so many that my voice mail is full and there isn't any more room for more text, besides that last one.

"Come on, Jaclyn sweetie. It's been two days and I know you haven't eaten anything. Plus, you can't afford to miss any more school; you've been gone for a week already and this year is your last one yet." Emily says from outside my door and I can hear a scolding tone to her voice, like any mother would give their child; her voice filling the once empty silence in the room. I give her an empty answer, like I've given everyone else, and sigh at the thought of going back to school. I know she's right.
"If you don't come down for breakfast and go to school, I'll give somebody from downstairs the spare key that i have to this room and you won't like what they have in store for you. Especially Paul." She continues, an almost playful tone to her voice.

I gulp at the ideas that run through my head of what they could do, especially Paul. Everyone from the whole Pack, Band, and even some of the Cullens have knocked on my door to beg or threaten me to come out, but I thought they were empty promises. They have all, especially Paul, respected my space and haven't come barging in through the door or come through the window. Now, that I think about it, Emily is sort of using black mail against me, but it's alright because I can usually get someone back for using it against me. I sigh,getting off my bed and going to my closet. I grab a random outfit from my closet and take a quick shower; knowing that I needed one after not taking one for a day or so.

By the time I am done with my shower, Emily is already back down the stairs. I open my bedroom door, take a deep breath, and walk down the stairs at a steady pace. I walk into the kitchen, where everyone from the whole Pack and band are eating. It's a Monday morning so I knew that they were all here already since I stayed up most of the night and morning, just thinking about things. Once I was standing in the entryway of the kitchen, the chattering and talking I had heard from upstairs stopped; everyone just stares at me. They all stared at me in shock and surprise as realization dawned on their faces for the most part, except for a few that weren't impressed with me.

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