Chapter.11- She's a what?!?!

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Ch.11- She's a What?!

* Skip until after school is done*

Scar and I quickly head to our lockers to drop off our books. We get to our lockers, shove our books in and look around for the guys. We can't find them. Huh, they must be outside already. Leave it to the guys to never wait for us.

We head out the school doors, where we see the pack at Paul's black and blue 2012 Mercedes. Shit, Paul is off of patrol already. We head over there and I see Paul talking to the guys. Leah keeps glaring at Scar with hatred. We walk over to the guys and I feel the imprint bond pull me to stand next to Paul, who grins a smile that makes my knees grow weak.

Paul wraps an arm around my waist,pulling me close to him. I smile but my smile soon turns to a frown as I see Scar deathly glaring at Paul as she sees his arm wrapped around my waist. Oh shit! I forgot how protective she gets with me.

" Who's this?" Paul asks us, curiously.

" This has a name, dumb ass." Scar growls out lowly and Paul glares at her.

" Paul, meet Scar. Embry's imprint." Jake says and Paul bursts out laughing.

" Embry, dude! What happened to you never imprinting?!" Paul says, laughing, clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

" Yeah, well. That didn't go according to plan besides you said that too. Now we are out of the bet." Embry says, laughing with Paul as the other guys laugh as well.

" Wait! Wait! What bet?" Scar and I both ask, looking at the boys.

" Oh just the bet we all took to see who wouldn't imprint." Jake says with a laugh.

" More girls for us then." Brady says and all the unimprinted guys ( Seth, Jake, Brady and Collin) all high five each other.

" Perverts!" Scar says, grossed out, and I laugh.

" Scar, meet Brady and Collin, or the pervy twins as I like to call them." I say to her and Scar laughs,smirking.

" But I thought Brady's nickname was Bry-Bry and Collin's was Colly-cane." Scar says, laughing as Brady and Collin blush.

" Hey, I thought you wouldn't tell anyone about that nickname." Brady exclaims. I smirk at Brady.

" Well, Brady, Scar is my best-friend and I do tell her everything." I say, happily.

" Everything?!" The guys exclaims and I smirk at Scar.

" Almost everything." I say back, laughing.

" I thought it was e-." Scar begins to say but suddenly she gets a faraway look on her face. I wave a hand infront of her face but her face is totally blank. She must be reading someone's mind from faraway. She freezes for a couple more seconds.

" Stupid fucking mind reader sending stupid fucking messages!" Scar growls, muttering under her breath as she starts stomping away from us.

" Scar, where are you going?" The guys yell to her.

" I'm going HOME!" Scar yells back at us and then turns to the forest.

" You ok, Scar?" I call to her and she turns back to glare at me.

" Just fucking peachy!" Scar yells back and goes back to walking to the forest.

" Stupid fucking mind reader sending me fucking mind messages. I hate his fucking blood-sucking guts!" Scar mutters, seething mad. I burst out laughing and the guys look at me oddly.

" I heard that!" Scar yells at me.

" Forget something?!" I retort back, smirking.

Scar quickly uses her super vampire speed to kiss Embry on the lips and races off to the Cullens.

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