Chapter.31- A Common Enemy

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An irritating beeping sounds from beside me and a sense of de ja vu washes over me, like a splash of cold water to my face. My ears pick up familiar snores a they echo around me and slowly, one by one, my five senses return to me, bringing my mind from memory lane back to reality. My eyelids feel a powerful force on top of them, as if the weight of the world was not only on my shoulders but on the rest of my body a well, as I try to fight my way to see the light of day once more. As my eyes struggle to open, I sense an orb of heat surrounding one of my hands and it seems to be keeping the rest of my body warm.

After what feels like hour on end, but is likely only a few minute, my eyes finally open, only to be mildly blinded by the sunlight that is streaming in from the windows that are behind and off to the side of the bed that I lay upon. My eyes adjust to the natural light as I scan my surrounding;my thoughts beginning to become more clear as I regain consciousness. My blue orbs land upon two tanned coloured hands that seem to encase one of my smaller, paler hands in a sphere of heat. My eyes trail up the hands to the owner's face. A wave of familiarity hits me as I recognize the owner to be Paul.

As I scan over that god-like face of his, my mind drifts back to the conversation that I had with my inner demon. I begin to question whether or not, the truth was spoken. Was I really that naive? My eyebrows pull together in concentration as I debate over removing my hands from Paul's hands. A sudden, small snore interrupts me from my self tortured thoughts and I glance over to the left where the noise came from.

My eyes widen slightly in surprise as I spot the unmistakable mop of chocolate brown hair that belong to, none other then, Isaac Moore. His long bangs that cover half of his face blowing slightly from the breath that comes out of his open mouth as he snores, his head resting against the side of the window sill as he sleeps. My lips turn p at the sides into a small, sad smile as I look over at the younger male's sleeping form. Isaac, along with all the guy that I've come to know and grow up with, have always been like family to me, despite everything we've gone through. With all the guys, I have always had a special connection with each of them individually.

I think of Isaac as a younger brother and I do trust him. I think of all the guys except for Sam, Carlisle, and Paul as brothers or close best friends. Sam is the father figure that I've always wanted and needed in my life. Actually, growing up, my mom would visit with Sam and Emily because they were close friends. Carlisle, on the other hand, has always been like a rich grandparent to me, the kind of rich grandparent that gave you treats from time to time.

He and Esme plus Sam and Emily knew my mother before she was murdered. My eyes move away from Isaac a I hear soft footfalls coming from outside the room that I'm in. I glance over to my right to see Paul still asleep, but then my eyes snap to the door when I hear what sounds to be a faked cough coming from the door way. I internally groan as my dark blue orbs land upon him, his golden eyes sparkling with surprise at seeing me awake.

"Think of the devil and he shall appear."I think to myself and I find myself almost snickering at the thought, but I stop before I make a noise. I almost swear I hear someone laugh downstairs and can only assume that Edward was laughing at hearing that sarcastic thought.

"Well, it's great to see you awake Jaclyn, but how are you currently feeling?"Carlisle asks me, already going straight into doctor mode, a he smiles kindly at me. Out of the corner of m eyes, I see both Paul and Isaac stir in their sleep, slowly starting to wake up.

"I'm feeling peachy, well I;m not in a whole lot of pain;or at least not as much as before. What exactly happened after I went unconscious and how long was I out for" I tell him, answering his question truthfully. I'm not in a whole lot of pain. Carlisle opens his mouth to answer me, but just before he does, Paul and Isaac jolt awake after hearing my voice.

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