Chapter.5- Chasing Victoria and then some

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Ch. 5- Chasing Victoria and then Some

" For as long as you guys have been a pack. The whole Cullen family are like family to me. Jasper and the boys except Carlisle are like brothers to me. Carlisle is another father figure. The girls like sisters except Esme who is more of a mother figure like Emily is to me. Jasper was the one who taught me how to defend myself other then you guys of course." I say, smiling.

" How come they couldn't take care of your father then?" Sam asks.

" Really? They were respecting the treaty. They know they aren't allowed on this land unless it was fine by you guys." I say with a slight growl.

" Speaking of, what exactly happened to him?" I ask them, curious to know if they killed him or not.

" We sent him to jail and everything." Jacob says and I mentally groan.

Great! He'll escape and come after me. Stupid. He can phrase. He's bound to escape some time.

" Thanks, guys." I say, faking a smile to hide my huge fear of my father actually coming back and actually having a chance to kill me.

" So what do we want to do?" Jared asks as I see Emily, Kim and Clair go into the kitchen to start making supper for everyone.

" Don't you guys, have patrol or something?" I ask them.

" Nope. We don't work weekends but we could watch TV or something." Collin comments.

" Hey, isn't there a football game on?" Brady asks and they turn the tv on and relax watching it. I go into the kitchen to see if the girls need my help.

" Hey, do you girls need any help?" I ask them.

" Nope, I think we've got everything." Emily says, smiling motherly at me.

" Why don't you watch the football game with the guys?" Kim suggests as we hear the guys all shout at the TV as if the players can actually hear them.

" No thanks. I'd rather not be found in a crazy house all because I was yelling at objects that couldn't actually talk back to me." I joke and the girls laugh.

" You could go for a walk or something." Clair suggests and I smile.

" Clair! You know the woods are unsafe and dangerous." Emily exclaims and Clair pouts.

" It was just a suggestion." Clair says.

" Yeah, I'll go for a walk to First beach." I say to them.

I go to my new bedroom and see my guitar. I grab it and head down the stairs and out the door, heading to First Beach. I smile as I arrive at First beach and see the tide go in and out like a mother rocking her newly born baby.

It's so peaceful here. I start strumming and playing my guitar to the song, " I'd Lie." by Taylor Swift but I reword the words to describe Paul completely.

I remember growing up with him and me being his best girl that was a friend. I've had the biggest crush on him since we were little.

He's so much more. With the eyes of a dark chocolate hurshey bar. I could just stare into his eyes and get lost for hours on end. That built body is so incredible even before the wolf made it better for him. He's hot-headed and a bad-boy and even if he is a player and cheats on me, I'll always love him with all my heart.

I finish the song and smile wide. If only I could tell him that I imprinted on him and loved him even before he imprinted on me and me on him. He's so hot, handsome, ugh those words can't even describe how he is.

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