Chapter.28- Tension and a fair warning

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Ch.28- Tension and a fair warning

* Mysterious and unknown person's perspective. You will find out who it is by the end of the chapter, don't worry. *

The atmosphere within and even around the Cullen's mansion is tense, but even saying that was putting things mildly. Some of the pack members had decided to be outside in their wolf form instead of being in a house filled with a bunch of vampires. I suppose that not everyone agreed with the idea of being friendly with them. I guess I could understand that considering vampires and shape-shifter, or werewolves as other vampires known them to be, were considered naturally born enemies. Apparently, the treaty between the Cullen coven and the wolf pack has been temporarily lifted because Jaclyn was a mutual friend and Carlisle was the only doctor that could help her without the humans knowing the secrets of the supernatural world.

Apparently keeping the normal humans out of the loop was the first lesson in the Supernatural Guide in Dealing with Humans and Life, or you know lesson 101. As my eyes scan around the living room, I notice the strong tension between Jacob and Edward as they sent small, barely noticeable glares at each other; as if they wanted to rip each other limb from limb, Jacob more then Edward. Ah yes, the love triangle was between Bella and them, or so I've been told. Recently, Bella had seemed to already have chosen Edward from the looks of it. I believe that the only real reason as to why they were in the same room as each other was for Jaclyn's sake, since both of them considered her to be a sister and I knew that she considered them to be her brothers; maybe another reason was to support Bella as she attempted to support and be there for Jaclyn.

Honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised by the latter. I see Edward send me a glare as he picks up on my thoughts, but I just innocently smile at him, waving at him in an almost mocking way. He looks away from me and goes back to sending hidden glares at Jacob, sitting down next to Bella and acting oblivious to Jacob's cold glares. I clear my throat which makes them both look at me and I send them both a glare of my own, which causes them to stop glaring at each other; their eyes roaming the room with a sudden, great interest. Carlisle comes down the steps in almost a blur with his vampire speed, stopping once he arrives in the living room; where half of the pack plus their imprints, the band including myself, and some of the Cullen members are waiting to hear how Jaclyn is.

"How is she, Carlisle?"Jacob asks, being the first to speak. I sense the others that are outside listening in on the conversation.

"She is stable, but she seems to have put herself into a small coma of some sort. I'm unsure as to when she will wake up, but she does need rest, both for her mind and body. Her heart had stopped beating--."Carlisle says, before someone rudely interrupts him.

"Her heart stopped beating?!"Mitch exclaims and almost everyone shoots him a glare that makes him shrink in his seat. Carlisle clears his throat before he continues.

"Her heart had stopped beating, but it was momentarily, as if she got so startled by something; after it started back up again as if nothing had happened. I'm unsure as to why or what cause it to stop beating, but I might have a theory though. I would like to do a small experiment but I need Jasper's and Edward's help. Would you two help me?"Carlisle questions his adoptive sons and they nod their heads, agreeing to the experiment in order to help out Carlisle and possibly Jaclyn as well.

Carlisle starts heading towards the room where Jaclyn and Paul are, Jasper and Edward following him. I follow after them, tagging along with them, curious to see what will happen. I also want to keep an eye on everything, it's something that I know Jaclyn would have wanted me to do for her. As I walked up the stairs with them, I could both hear Esme in the kitchen cooking away and could almost smell, as well as taste, what she was making; the smells hitting my nose strongly since my senses were all heightened. I shake my head from side to side, then book it past the top of the stairs and to where the vampires were standing, just as they enter the room.

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