Chapter 9

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I immediately jumped off of the bed and ran to the door but before I hold the knob I felt his hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Zayn …Please, don't " I begged with an afraid expression on my face. I'm really afraid of what will happen with my best friend! But he let go of my hand and threw his head back laughing hard. What the hell?!

"What did you think I was going to do? " He laughed harder and took his way to where he was lying and lay down again.

"That's not funny " I yelled. "And I did think you were going to do what it seemed like you were going to do " I frowned.

"Oh! Come on. I'm just used to sleeping like that " He laughed again.

"But I'm here. You can't just sleep like that in front of me! " I argued.

"Shut up and sleep " He smiled. I actually didn't know who I like more the real Zayn or the drunk and the playful one. I took my way to the bed again and lay down.

"Cover yourself Zayn " I said and threw a blanket at his face.

"Ouch! You damaged my face ! " He said and acted like if it did hurt him.

"It's just blanket not a stone Zayn " I laughed.

"Yeah yeah. You're right " He laughed.

"I always am " I smile proudly.

"Good night princess " He teased.

"Good night drunk asshole " I teased back. I lay down on  bed and closed my eyes.

Zayn's  P.O.V

"Zayn ... Move your butt " I woke up with Sophia's voice shouting. " What the hell? " She yelled at me.

It took me a few seconds to realize that I was lying on my bed with Sophia next to me. I looked down then found out that my arm is wrapped around her waist and she is trying to pull me away but she just couldn't. Of  Course  I'm stronger than her. That's a good thing--

"Zayn.. " Sophia groaned interrupting me. I really love that position and her calling my name, but I have to do anything since I can't even remember what happened yesterday and why she is here in my bedroom lying next to me on my bed.

"I-I'm sorry " I removed my arm. "What happened yesterday ?" I asked as she sat up.

"You don't want to know " She smirked then looked down at her hands blushing!!

"Tell me everything please. Did I do something to you? " I asked completely confused and worried.

"No no. You just were incredible yesterday " She showed me her perfect smile that nearly made me fall to my knees.

"Incredible how? What do you mean? " I asked really confused. What if I did hurt her?

"Well... you left me sitting  with Liam and went inside. And when I saw you... you were so wasted so I asked Liam for help then we carried you to this room " She said and I can tell that she was unsure of telling me about  something else happened yesterday.

"Then? Did I do something to you? " I asked again as confusion was killing me.

"You kissed me " She said in a very low voice that I barely heard.

"I what?! " I did hear her and I don't know why I asked. It took a minute to remember the kiss that I'll never forget. I can't believe I kissed Sophia... The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is the girl that I really love and want to spend my entire life with. I really love her. Oh my god I can't believe I've finally admitted it!

"Zayn… You okay ? " She interrupted me waving her small hand right in front of my face.

"Yeah … Yeah sure I am. I'm the one who should ask you that question since I was stupid yesterday  " I say with a smile.

"Stupid for kissing me? Or for trying to make out with me? " She asked before she could even control her words.  Her eyes widened and she quickly put her hands on her mouth. She them looked down blushing like a tomatoe.

"I tried to do that? Oh my god I'm so sorry Soph " I couldn't find the words to express how sorry I really was. I couldn't even remember what I did yesterday. God knows what else I did. " But why are you even here? I mean why did you stay? " I frowned confused. I've always wanted here to stay with me... forever.

"Well .. I was going to leave after we laid you on your bed but you begged me to stay here with you. You said that you wanted me " She said looking away. And I said that? I do want her but I would never tell her these days. How could I be that stupid! Of course she hates me now.

"Look, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of  that. I was drunk and I didn't mean anything. I'm sorry for doing those things to you and for putting you in that situation. I'm so disgusting " I said then looked away.

"Don't say that! I know you were drunk and you didn't mean any of it. And that all was at the beginning of the night, but the whole night you were funny and cute instead " She smiled putting her small hand under my chin to force me to look at her.

"So you forgive me ? " I asked.

"I do " She smiled. " Now keep your mouth shut and put some clothes on your almost naked body you big ass " She teased then stood up. She took her way to the bathroom and I stood up to put some clothes on. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to show up here again. After a few minutes she came out frowning and I can tell she was worried and was thinking about something. What's wrong ?!

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