Chapter 5

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I took a deep breath then stepped into the cafeteria. I saw Harry smiling to me and I got more comfortable.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm too late " I apologized.

"It's okay really "He said with a kind smile.

He got us drinks and we spent all the time laughing. I really began to like him even more. He is kind and funny. And I really want to know him more and spend more time with him. We laughed about a joke he said but at once this beautiful smile disappeared and he glared at something behind me. Or someone. I turned around just to see Zayn standing there awkwardly.

"Uhm... Can I talk to you? "Zayn asked looking at me in the eyes.

"Okay " Was all that I could say. As I was standing up I noticed a smirk on Harry's lips. I just ignored it and apologized to him then walked away. My heart stopped when I felt Zayn's arm wrapped around my shoulder. His touch is more comfortable than I ever expected it would be. He pulled it away after he realized what he has just done.

"Sorry " He smiled awkwardly and put his hands in his pocket.

"What did you want? " I changed the topic trying to hide my blushing.

"I just wanted to spend time with you "He smiled simply.

"But I'm spending my time with Harry don't you see?! " I raised my eyebrows at him. His smile disappeared with the word 'Harry'. I really don't know what is between the two of them.

"So... We planned a party after two weeks. Would you come ... with me ? " He asked.

"Where? "

"Some friend's house "He answered.

"Yeah sure "I smiled.  "So uhm...  I have to go "I said and walked away. I noticed the sadness all over his face before I stepped in the cafeteria once more.

I spent my whole day with Harry. I can tell he is gentleman, kind, funny and eh... super beautiful.

The day finally ended so Zayn and I walked to my car. We said our goodbyes after he gave me his number and I give him mine. I went home and thankfully was happy. It wasn't as awkward as I thought. In one day I have two friends. I told my mum about everything happened while we were having our dinner. After a few minutes her phone buzzed but she didn't notice.

"Mum... your phone " I told her pointing at the phone.

She looked at the screen then her eyes became wide. She tried to hide her emotions but failed.

"Is everything okay? "I asked confused and she became more nervous.

"Huh? I mean yeah… yeah, honey. Why not ? " She said and flashed me a fake smile. She put the phone away from her and began to eat nervously. Her eyes didn't meet mine the rest of the dinner. I knew something wrong was going on and she's trying to hide it from me. I don't know why but she is. God! Why is everyone trying to hide things from me? Why can't they just trust me?

I stood up and took the plates and put them in the dishwasher after we finished eating. My mum ran to her bedroom. She said she was a little tired and she just wanted to sleep.

Too many thoughts were playing in my mind about what is going on around me but I pushed them to the back of my mind. I really wanted to sleep so I managed my way to my comfortable bed. I closed my eyes then finally fell asleep after a few minutes of thinking... Of Harry and eh... Zayn.

So what do u think is going on?? And who do u think she will choose for now?? Please tell me ur guessing in comments. Thanks so much for reading and a huge thanks for gummybearobsession , tasmaniac344 and Crownedharry cos they've been such a good support. Just please read their stories they're very good! Thanks again and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!!!

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