Chapter 29

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Sohpia's P.O.V

I was waiting for Liam to come back and help me when the door opened. I looked up to meet Zayn's hazel eyes staring at me. His eyes went wide when he took in the sight in front of him. He ran towards me and held me to his chest tightly. I wrapped my arms around him pressing my body to his. Now I finally feel much more relaxed. That's where my heart turns to its steady beat once more, where I feel comfortable and safe, where I feel protected, where I feel the warmth and forget about everything that happened... where I feel like home.

"Oh my god, Soph. I'm so sorry " He said resting his head on my hair. I began to cry when I remembered what happened yesterday.

"Zayn I'm not virgin any longer " I sobbed and tugged at his t-shirt. He froze for a second then began to rub my shoulder trying to comfort me. " I thought we were friends. You were right Zayn, you were right when you told me to stay away from them... especially Harry " I began to sob loudly. " I should have known what being near them would lead to. I should have known better Zayn. I should have known "

"Shh, Soph. I'm here " He whispered and I let out a sob clutching his t-shirt tighter, pressing my body to him even more. We stayed silent for a minute, me just relaxing under his comforting touch, until it hisme and my eyes got wide.

"Zayn tell me that Harry was behind what happened to my mum! " I said completely shocked, putting the pieces together. He looked down not meeting my eyes. What?! He knew?! "Why did you not tell me Zayn? Why? " I asked pulling away from him.

"Soph I swear I'll explain everything to you but when we get the hell out of here " He said looking in my eyes. I can't say that I was mad at him because he didn't tell me, it's just not the time to blame him. He's all I have right now. So I just nodded my head pressing my body to his once more and he wrapped his arms around my body. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I felt his strong arms tightening their grip around me. I don't care about anything right now but Zayn. I need him and I need his comfort. I stayed like that in his arms for a while before my need for him grew even more. I looked up to stare at his eyes I know that's where my own eyes belong. I leaned in slowly till our lips connected. That's what I needed right now. I need him. Our lips moved perfectly together till we both couldn't breathe. We pulled away catching our breath and he tightened his grip around my body and raised my chin with his finger to make me look into his eyes.

"I love you so much Soph " He breathed on my face and my own breath hitched. It was the first time he said 'I love you' to me.

"I love you more Zayn " I whispered then connected our lips again.


Zayn's P.O.V

The music was so loud I nearly got a hearing damage. Harry and the rest of the gang was 'celebrating' that I finally am here with them in this stubid gang. I was sitting on the sofa, my blood boiling. That's too much for me to take.

"Hey man " Liam said and sat next to me on the sofa. I looked at him then rolled my eyes. I really don't want to talk to anyone. What happened was enough to me.

"I don't know why Harry insisted to do this stupid party. That's just stupid " He said. I don't know either. They are getting drunk and hooking up with some sluts while Sophia is left alone in there. Thank god Harry agreed to let us clean her up and bring her clean clothes. He also agreed to let me see her once a day. That's so kind of him actually. Fuck him. I also promised Sophia to explain everything to her when we get the hell out of here.

"Look Zayn I'm so sorry. That never had anything to do with me. I swear I didn't know about any of that shit " He defended himself. But his defense would never take Sophia back home or even bring her virginity back.

"Zayn please forgive me. I didn't know anything. I was just like you... shocked. I would never hurt her Zayn, she's been my best friend for years!" He pleaded.

"You're here in the gang that kidnapped and raped her, Liam! You're here in the gang that even killed her mum, so don't you even dare to act like you're innocent here " I snapped at him.

"But killing her mum was because of you Zayn! " He snapped back.

"But I swear I didn't know or even have a hand in it. Harry killed her to let me know that he did take the first step closer to me. That he can do whatever the hell he want so I freak out and join his fucking gang. It wasn't my fault Liam! But still... You're in that fucking gang who kidnapped my Soph and raped her " I snapped at first, defending myself, but then was about to break down in front of him, but thank god I could control myself.

"I know it was wrong to be here in the first place but I really needed their help Zayn. Since my dad's death, every time I went home I found out that some fucking men had touched her. I didn't know who did that and I still don't know, she never told me because she didn't even know who did that. So she just needed their protection. I'm busy with my studying and stuff and they promised to protect her as long as I'm here with them. They told me that they know who did that and they will get them and shit... but that never happened. But I swear that never had anything to do with Sophia " He explained.

"What makes you so sure that the rapist who raped Sophia isn't the same one who raped your mum? I mean they just used that promise to get even closer to her so they can do whatever the hell they want with her without any worry " I said and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What do you mean Zayn? " He asked though he knew the answer. He seemed like he wanted to slap himself hundred times for the stupid decision he made. I honestly feel sorry for him.

"They fooled you Liam " I told him and his eyes went dark. "Even if who raped your mum isn't one of them... we have to take our revenge anyway. They kidnapped and raped Sophia... your best friend and my girlfriend. They also killed her mum! We're stuck in here for their own best and we just can't do anything but work for them and their own fucking gang. We have to end this Liam "

"W-What should we do then? " He asked, hope was filling his eyes.

"I have a plan "

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