Chapter 26

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Sophia's P.O.V

I was lying on the cold-hard floor crying my eyes out. I think it's been a day since I came here. I didn't even have a phone to ask for anyone's help... for Zayn's help. I really need him right now-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the creak of the door. I looked up to see Louis smirking at me devilishly.

"Louis please help me. I'm sorry for whatever it is that I have done. Please just get me out of here " I pleaded for his help. He ignored me and closed the door, locking it. I looked at him then at the locked door and sat up quickly.

"Just relax so it doesn't hurt much love " He smirked at me stepping closer. My heart stopped at the thought of what was going to happen.

"Louis please. Don't. " I pleaded. My eyes widened when I saw him unbuttoning his pants. I never thought it would be that bad. Oh my god!!

Zayn's P.O.V

I've been waiting for that fucker's message for a day. Sophia's been there for a whole fucking day! That motherfucker knows how to fuck with me, how to make my blood boil. He told me that he'll send me the address in a message and I've been waiting for it for a whole day but it never came. I know I was late with my decision in the first place so he's making me late on purpose this time. That motherfucker. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my phone buzzing in my hands and I quickly unlocked it. Finally it was the message I've been waiting for. I read it making sure I saved it in my mind. I grabbed my car keys and in seconds I was racing down the streets.

I finally arrived at a long street not knowing where the hell that place was. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed his number.

"I'm there. Send someone to get me " I said then hanged up. He told me to wait here because I wouldn't know how to go there on my own. I waited for good ten minutes when finally a black car parked in front of me.

"Get in Zayn " The driver said. He had blond hair and white skin. I hesitated at first, not knowing if he was one of them or just someone wants to rob me, but then realized that he called me with my name ... of course he's one of them. I quickly hopped out of my car and locked it then hoped in the car with him, making my way to Sophia hoping she will forgive me for what I've put her through.

We kept driving through trees 'till we finally arrived. I hopped out of the car and looked up at the old huge house that looked like a place that nobody has even stepped in for long years. I looked around just to realize that we were in the middle of a forest. Trees everywhere that made you can't even see the blue sky.

"This way " That man said walking away and I silently followed him. We walked through an old door then a huge hallway then finally reached the living room. It was creepy to be in a place like this one to be honest. But I couldn't care less at the moment, all what was on my mind was to get Sophia out of here.

"Here you are " I heard a deep raspy voice from behind me. I quickly turned around to see a smirking Harry staring at me. I clinched my fists preventing myself from throwing good punches all over his smirking face.

"Where is she? " I said in a forced voice trying to calm myself down. I took a step towards him but he put his hand on my chest preventing me from moving any closer.

"You really think you're here to take her and you both walk away holding hands and be a happy couple together forever and you marry her then ta daa!! make babies and shit?! " He was dramatically calm at first but with the last part he started screaming.

"Let's make it clear Zayn. Sophia is not going anywhere 'till you do the next few missions with us. You do them... She leaves but you still will be with us. You don't ... then forget about her and maybe even pray she'll be happy in the other world " He warned glaring at me. My breath hitched at the last part he said. No, He can't kill her!

"At least let me see her " I said in a low defeated voice. I've lost all the guts to even raise my voice at him as long as Sophia is still here. I can't risk her. She is my only love. I finally admit it.

"Liam! " Harry called. My eyes widened at the name. No that can't be him. I gasped when I saw Liam -Sophia's best friend- coming into my view.

His eyes met mine and our jaws dropped nearly hitting the floor. We stared at each other for too long, both shocked, not believing what's going on. Someone cleared his throat to grab our attention back... I think that was Harry. Liam looked down at the floor, his eyes showed shock, hurt, shame, pain... and a lot of mixed emotions that I couldn't even make out. For I minute I felt sorry for him.

"Liam, get her " Harry ordered. Liam looked at me again and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before he disappeared in the dark again.

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