Chapter 28

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Liam's P.O.V

Sophia was lying on the floor on her side, her arms were spread on both sides of her head, her eyes were closed, her skin was yellow, she looked pale. I gasped loudly when I noticed the blood that covered the lower part of her blue dress. Blood?! I ran to her and pulled her on my lap, her face facing my chest.

"Sophia what happened? Where is that blood from? Someone hurt you? " I asked completely worried and confused... and scared.

"N-No ! Please. G-Get away. Don't t-touch me " She said when she opened her eyes and realized she was facing a man's chest. She tried to break free from my hold. What the fuck happened to her? What if someone touched her?

"Shh Sophia. It's just me " I said softly reassuring her. She slowly looked up at me. Our eyes locked.

"Oh my god! Liam " She breathed and pressed herself against me. She pressed her pale body against mine like she was searching for protection and warmth. I tightened my grip around her body.

"I'm here Soph. It's okay. I'm here " I whispered reassuring her. I looked aroud the empty room searching for anything to cover her with. She was so cold. My eyes widened when I saw tiny blue panties thrown at one of the corners. Panties... blood?! My eyes widened when it finally hit me.

"Sophia who did that to you? " I asked my eyes wide in shock.

She began sobbing in my chest mumbling things in a very low voice that I couldn't even understand. She pressed her body to mine again but pulled away immediately like if I've burnt her or something. I looked at her confused and watched her step back till her back connected with the wall.

"Sophia what's wrong? " I asked confused. She pulled her knees to her chest and tugged her dress down to cover her exposed body.

"What ... What are you d-doing here? " She asked trying to back away even more, if that was even possible.

"What do you mean? " I asked frowning my eyebrows, completely confused. I was stepping closer when she stopped me.

"Don't!! Don't come any closer. Please d-don't hurt me " She shouted at first but then began to cry. She really thought I'm here as one of them to hurt her?! I mean... yeah I'm definitely one of them but I would never hurt her. I would never hurt my best friend.

"Sophia I would never hurt you " I said and she looked into my eyes for a minute like she was making sure I wasn't lying. "Zayn is here too " I said trying to comfort her knowing that he's the only one who could comfort her. Her eyes widened

"With them?!! He's one of them too? " She asked shocked. Shame and defeat was written all over her face

"No, no, He's here to save you " I told her. And her body relaxed slightly.

"I want to see him " She pleaded.

"You will. But tell me first... Who did that to you Soph? " I asked again.

"L-Louis " She said putting her head in her own hands. My eyes widened and my blood began to boil even more.

"That fucker!! " I shouted angrily then got up and made my way to that motherfucker. She said something but my mind was somewhere else to hear it.

I finally was in the hallway that led to the living room. I took a deep breath then fastened my steps. I was lucky that Louis decided to join them in the living room, that made it easier for me to get him. His eyes widened when he saw me running towards him. I threw at him the strongest punch I could ever manage, and he fell to the floor, wincing. I didn't think twice about getting on top of him and throwing strong punches all over his face.

Zayn's P.O.V

We were still waiting for Liam to get Sophia when Louis decided to join us. I knew he was a student with us in the school and maybe Sophia's friend and we even talked once before... but never knew he is a member of this fucking gang. He smirked when he saw me and stood beside Harry.

"Hey Zayn " He said still smirking. I ignored him and looked at the hallway hoping Liam would show up with Sophia.

"Don't ignore me Zayn " He warned and I continued ignoring him. I'd rather ignore all of them than kill every single one in this fucking gang. " I'm sure you wouldn't ignore me if I told you that your girl was so tight yesterday " He said and my head immediately snapped at his direction, glaring at him.

"What did you just said? " I asked shocked. I felt my blood boiling in my veins.

"You heard me but if you want me to say it again it's okay " He started and I looked at Harry quickly as if I was asking for his reassurance. Harry was smirking as well. "Your girl- " That's when I couldn't control what I was doing. I cut him off before he even dared to say it again and pushed him to the wall throwing my strongest punches all over his face and body, over and over.

"You motherfucker!! " I shouted and kept hitting him. He hit me in the face with his fist and I just mirrored his gesture to him, but much harder. I then pulled him from the wall and threw him on the floor and hit him more.

"Enough! " Harry shouted as if I was going to be afraid of him and stop hitting that fucker. I felt two strong arms pulling me away from a bleeding Louis. I kicked him in the balls with my leg one last time and let whoever was holding me back, drag me away. Louis groaned in pain and clutched his balls with his shaking hands and tried to get up slowly, trying to keep his balance. He looked at me anger boiling out of his now dark blue eyes with blood around it.

"You'll regret that " He glared at me.

"You'll regret what you've done to her. Nothing's happened to you yet " I said in the most threatening voice i could manage and was about to make my way to Sophia when Liam came out running, anger was clear on his face. He was running towards Louis and nobody stopped him when he throw Louis on the floor and began to hit him just like what I did. I smirked at the bloody Louis in front of me. But nothing has happened to you Louis. Not yet.

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