Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V

"That motherfucker!! " I roared and held the vas that was beside me and threw it on the floor watching as it shuttered to a million pieces. Then I turned around and threw everything that was on the table on the floor. I was so fucking angry to care.

"Harry stop!! " I looked up to meet Louis' blue eyes glaring at me. He must have come when he heard the noise.

"Don't tell me to fucking stop!! " I shouted at him.

"Just tell what's going on " He was angry but tried to calm himself down.

"He's so fucking stubborn and we all need him here. The next mission is very important and we need someone like him with us!! " I pulled my hair with my own fingers hopefully I didn't rip it off.

"Calm down you can't just think like that " He said in a calm voice and that only drove me insane.

"Louis we need Zayn with us on the next mission and he hadn't joined us yet. I gave him two whole months, two fucking months. What if we fail on the next mission? it's very important, and if we fail this whole gang will fall apart or get arrested!! " I yelled. He looked at me thoughtfully then his eyes widened after it hit him.

"I know the way " He said looking at me.

"And what is it? " I asked hoping it would help.

"Sophia " He said with a smirk on his lips.

"What do you mean? " I still haven't got it yet.

"I mean the way is Sophia. If you want to get Zayn, then get Sophia first " He winked and the smirk nearly overtook his face. I thought about it for a minute. That was the only way to get him crawling to me begging to be in my gang. I couldn't help the smirk that drew itself on my face.

Sophia's P.O.V

I was walking to my school (I decided to walk today because I was putting on weight and walking is the best way to lose weight) when I felt two strong arms grabbing me away from the road and we both fell to the floor. I looked up to see a running motorbike and a blond man riding it. That asshole could have run over me if that person didn't save me. I turned around to meet a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

"Uhm... Thanks a lot. You saved me " I smiled politely.

"It's okay actually. Louis.. My name is Louis " He smiled and put his hand in front of me to shake.

"Sophia. Very pleased to meet you " I smiled while shaking his hand. We both got up from the hard floor.

Ouch, my leg hurt slightly from the fall.

"Where were you going anyway ? " Louis asked.

"That high school. I'm a student in there " I told him.

"So am I " He chuckled. " Would you like to let me drive you the rest of the way " He asked politely.

"No it's okay actually " I declined.

"It's okay " He smiled. " C'mon " He grabbed my hand and opened the passenger seat's door for me and I stepped in.

"Thanks again Louis " I thanked him again. He's a very good guy actually.

"It's nothing love " He smiled.

The rest of the short way I was thinking about what just happened and how he was such a gentleman to me. I would have died without his help.

We finally pulled into the parking lot and we hopped out of the warm car, the cool air hit my face and I shivered.

"Would you let me give you my jacket " He asked politely taking off his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulder.

"That's the third time I say thanks to you Louis. That's too much " I chuckled.

"Anything for you love " He winked and I rolled my eyes at him playfully. We both laughed and stepped in the warm school.

"Thanks for saving me and the ride " I said taking off his jacket. " And for the jacket as well " I chuckled and handed it to him.

"Stop thanking me, it's nothing really " He smiled. "Well i have to go. See you Sophia " He then waved a goodbye then walked away. And I made my way to the first class.


Say hi to Louiiiisss!! Lol
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