Chapter 4

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When I entered the English class, there weren't any empty places but one next to… Harry! My heart stopped again. I didn't expect that I would set next to him or even see him again after this morning. I walked to sit next to him and my heart began to beat faster. I noticed that Zayn is sitting behind Harry. His eyes met mine but I looked away. I reached Harry's desk.

"Uhm… Can I sit here?? "I asked Harry while pointing at the empty place next to him with a smile.

"Yeah sure " He said and gave me a perfect dimpled smile which killed me.

"Thanks Harry " I said. I actually love pronouncing his name. I don't know why but I just do.

"Harry! How did you know my name ? " He raised his shaped eyebrows at me surprised.

"I heard him calling you Harry "I shrugged and pointed to Zayn who was sitting behind us.

"Oh. Yeah " Was all what he said.

We sat in silence the whole day before the break.

"Can we have the lunch together? "I asked before I could control my tongue.

"Yeah, Sure "He smiled and my body relaxed.

"Okay. Let's go "I said then stood up. When I was on my way to the door... I heard Zayn calling my name. I stopped and told Harry to go and wait for me in the cafeteria. Harry just nodded then walked away.

"Sophia, Please. Just hear me out "Zayn said with a begging voice and took a step towards me.

"What do you want to say Zayn ?Do you want to say sorry because you left me alone in the middle of that fucking cafeteria so everybody was staring at me ? You want to say sorry because you've put me in that fucking stupid situation ? Do you want to fucking say that? " I snapped at him but he deserved it.

"I'm really sorry. I couldn't help my anger. I knew that if I talked to you when I was that angry ... I would have snapped at you or something. I didn't want to do that to you " He explained with a soft voice. I don't know what is wrong with him. I mean ... we are in our first day and he cares about my feelings that much!

"But you didn't even explain what was going on " I huffed.

"I couldn't and I still can't. I'm sorry Sophia " He said in a broken voice looking at the floor. There sure as hell must be something that I don't know.

"Okay Zayn " I said sighing.

"Is everything okay between us now? " He asked and managed to put a small smile on his beautiful pink lips. I don't know why he is acting like we know each other for too long, but I'm happy I have a friend like him that cares about my feelings and about our little new friendship that much.

"Yeah I think " I said. I don't know why I said that even he hasn't given me any explanation until now but I feel comfortable when I am with him.

"Can we have lunch together then? "He asked excited. Shit. I didn't want him to ask me that question. I didn't want to say no to him but at the same time I asked the same question to Harry, and I want to spend more time with Harry. I feel comfortable with him, too.

"I-I asked Harry the same question " I told him and the smile that was on his face disappeared. Shit.

"Harry! " He raised his eyebrows surprised and maybe even shocked.

"Yeah ?" I said not sure of his next reaction. "Zayn, I'm sorry. I know you don't like him and there is something between the two of you, but I don't even know it. And I really need to know him more I think he is a good boy… Maybe friend " I say and I notice that Zayn became angry… so angry. I don't know why though.

"Please except him. Please " He said in a low voice and took a step towards me. And I can tell he was ... begging me ?!  I don't know why but I still want to be friends with Harry.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. Maybe if you could explain I would listen to you "I said with a 'Sorry' smile then walked out of the class making my way to the cafeteria.


Thanks so much for reading it really means alot! I just wanna say something... Maybe you find the story till now without so much going on but I promise everything is saved for later. Just please continue reading till the end cuz the more u read the more it gets interesting!

Thanks again for every single one of u guys and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!!!

Should Have Known (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang