Chapter 11

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My mum was lying on the floor, blood was covering her beautiful face and every place in her body. I looked around quickly just to see blood on the walls, the floor and the chairs… Everywhere . Oh my god! Mum!

I couldn't move or even catch my breath. I couldn't do anything but fall to the floor in a full shock, emotionless. I closed my eyes and since that I don't know what happened after.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital, Zayn was sleeping on a chair next to me.

"Mum!! " I screamed and jumped off of the bed which made Zayn get up off of the chair immediately and run to me.

"Soph! Are you okay? " Zayn asked completely worried. He cupped my cheeks with his two large hands looking at me in the eyes.

"Where's my mum? What happened? " I shouted as fear began to take over my whole body.

"Sophia ... You need to calm down. Just lie on the bed and everything is gonna be okay " He said pushing me slightly towards the bed. I tried to push him or run out of his grip but since he is so strong I couldn't. I really have to know what happened to my mum. Is she okay? Who did that to her? And why? What if she isn't okay? Am I going to even see her again?

"Zayn tell me what happened. Is she okay? What did the doctor say? Can I see her? Will I be able to even see her again? What if I'll lose her? What …." I was interrupted by Zayn's hand on my mouth shutting me up.

"Shhhh... Everything is gonna be okay . I'm here and I'm not going to leave you... C'mere " He said and pulled me to his chest slightly holding me close.

"Zayn … I'm scared. I have to know if she is okay " I sobbed into his hard but comfortable chest.

"Don't worry love. She is going to be okay " He said pulling me closer if that was even possible.

We sat in silence for more than half an hour then I heard the door open. We both immediately looked at the doctor who was standing there. I jumped out of his hold and ran to the doctor.

"Where's my mum? Is she okay? Can I see her? " I asked in rush breathing hard. Now Zayn was beside me and putting one of his hands on my shoulder.

"You need to calm down " She said and tried to hold my hand to lead me to the bed but I took a step back.

"Stop telling me that I fucking need to fucking calm down. Now tell me where she is!! " I shouted at her that made her take a few steps back.

"I'm sorry... but... " She trailed off looking at me with sad eyes. "Your mum... died " She said looking at the floor. With that last word I felt like my life is gone, dark everywhere. I felt Zayn's arms wrapped around me holding me as I was falling to the floor. Closing my eyes and not feeling anything else.

Thanks for reading guys! I just wanna say sorry for the late update but i've been really so busy. Plz don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!!

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