Chapter 30

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"Niall! handcuff him! " Harry ordered the blond man to handcuff a poor man. Niall was one of the gang. He just nodded his head and headed dangerously towards the bleeding man. Niall seems like a cute guy when you first see him. But when you really get to know him, you just realisze how cold-hearted he is. I mean, never judge a book by its cover.

"I hate missions " I groaned.

"I agree, But it's worth it. It will be over soon " Liam whispered from beside me, reassuring me. We finally finished what we were supposed to do on this mission so we decided to sit far away from them... at the end of the garage.

"This is our second mission and I can't even bare it. I've killed two men so far and who knows how many I'll kill again. At least I want to get Sophia back home. It's not her fault. " I groaned and paused for a minute. " I think it's the time"

"Are you sure? I mean, we can wait for a little bit " He suggested.

"Harry is too busy hitting and handcuffing that man. I think it's now or never " I said and he nodded.

"Alright, let's go " He said and got up. For our luck we were not seen becouse of the car infornt of us. We also were so close to the main gate, the exit, our only escape. So Liam and I slipped out of that place carefully and made our way to that house where we stayed. It was too hard since we don't even have a car. But thank god we knew where we were and how to get back to our place. We kept running 'till we were on the main road. We stopped a taxi then told him the address.

"I'm so nervous Zayn " Liam groaned.

"So am I, but we have to do it before anyone of us gets hurt. It's now or never Liam, just pray that everything's going to be okay " I told him. He nodded then looked out of the window.

We both were nervous. I can't even describe how scared I was. But we had to do that. Sophia wouldn't be stuck in there forever. And me either. It's a killer gang we're talking about, not a game. But all we could do was pray that we'll get home safe.

The taxi finally arrived and we both hopped out. I paid the driver and he left. I looked at a nervous Liam beside me reassuring him. He nodded and took a huge breath calming himself down. We had to walk in that street to arrive to that forest where the house is. And we did just that. We kept walking through the trees. We both were breathing heavily till we finally arrived. We rushed in the house till we were in the living room.

"Liam we have to find guns " I whispered.

"What? We haven't planed that " He said nervously.

"I know, but of course it's somewhere here, maybe in Harry's room " I suggested and he nodded agreeing. We made our way to Harry's room almost shaking. What if they arrived and saw us? I ignored those terrible thoughts and opened the door.

"You search in the closet " I ordered and he nodded and just did that. I searched in the nightstand but didn't find anything.

"Found one " Liam yelled excited. I rushed to him and smacked his arm proudly.

"Good, but what are we going to do with just one? " He asked confused.

"We have to find a rope or something " I told him. I looked around the room and found Harry's belt. I grabbed it.

"That's it " I said. " Let's go " We made our way to the hallway that leads to the secret rooms. We stood behind a wall so the body guards couldn't see us. I looked at them and thank god they were sitting.

"No!We can't just go there from that way " Liam whispered.

"You're right. So you go from the first corridor and I will go from the third one. You take the belt " I said and he nodded then took it from my hand. We were standing at the second corridor that was in the middle. The three corridors lead to the same meeting point where the body guards are.

I watched Liam disappear in his corridor then I went to mine. We made it on our toes till we finally met. We were just a few feet away from behind them. I looked at Liam and mouthed 'Ready?' And he nodded. I began to count on my fingers.

One... Liam stepped one step closer to the right one.

Two ... I put my arm straight in front of me holding the gun tightly, ready to shoot. Liam raised the belt behind his neck ready to wrap it around the man's neck.

Three.... was when I pulled the trigger. The pullet went straight to the back of the man's head. Liam's wrapped the belt around the other man's neck whose face was now red and begging for breath. We waited a few minutes just to make sure everything was done.

"Good " I said then grabbed the keys from one of the men' pocket and rushed with Liam into the hallway. There were a lot of rooms. I looked at the keys... they were numbered. I remembered Sophia's room was number 6. I pulled the key out of that packet.

"Liam! Go open the other doors " I threw the keys to him and he caught them. I ran to Sophia's room and opened the door. She was lying on the floor waiting for us. She was already ready. We planed everything with her.

"Soph c'mon " I said and she threw herself at me hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her, taking in her warmth. She looked up at me then crashed her lips onto mine. I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her waist. I didn't want to pull away, neither did she. But we did when we heard someone clear his throat. I turned my head glaring at Liam.

"Sorry guys but we have to go right now before anyone comes " He said and I panicked at the thought of Harry finding us.

"Yeah right " I said and took Sophia's small hand in mine. The three of us walked out of the room just to meet a small crowd of people waiting for us. They were about ten or something.

"Ready guys? " Liam asked and they all nodded.

"Let's go " I said and began to make our way to our freedom. We made it out of the house and every person that was with us rushed to their home. The three of us kept running in the forest in our way to the main road. We were almost there.

"You really think I'm that stupid? " A raspy- deep voice said from behind us that made all of us freeze. No!

So there's only one chapter left! Pls tell me how you think this book is gonna end ;)

Should Have Known (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora