Chapter 27: Eves Great Escape

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It had been one month since the bonds of the Servamps and Eves had broken.

The Eves having no contracts with the Deadly Sin Servamps, they still refused to do anything their exs told them to do which got them beaten up really bad.

The Eves did not see each other very often.

The Eves had tried to escape a number of times but they were always found and captured. One week later they where back in their cells.

Misono woke🥱. He was lying on the cold floor of the cell he had been stuck in a little over a month ago. He groaned😣 as he sat up and he leaned against the closest wall. Dried blood🩸 stuck to his wrists and ankles. Big bruises wrapped around his neck and throat. Cuts were deep and sore on his legs and stomach. His throat was dry. He had not seen even a drip of water since last week. Misono looked over at the door🚪 to his cell and shouted as loud as he could, even though the Eves didn't have to talk very loud to be heard because their voices echo through the cold stone corridor. "Mikuni?" Misono😰 was most worried about his brother and did not want to lose him.

Misono was about to panic, when he heard. "Yeah, Misono?😣" Mikuni replied groaning in pain. Mikuni had wounds similar to Misono's wounds.

"Are you okay?😞🥺" Misono asked worried. Hearing the groans of his other friends as they also woke up.

"I'm good.😌" Mikuni called back as he staggered to his feet, resting a hand against a wall of his cell holding him up.

Mahiru who was already on his feet joined in the conversation. "Imagine how our lovers must be right now.😥"

Tetsu, who was sitting in the corner of his cell added. "And how they would react to seeing us like this.😟"

A giggle came from Licht's cell. "Hyde would not stop until all of C3 members were dead and their base are destroyed.😅"

"They will not come.😞" Mikuni said.

Iduna was at her cell door with a screwdriver that she had stolen, trying to open her cell door agreed with Mikuni. "You do have a point, Mikuni.😒"

Licht upon hearing that he stopped his argument with Mikuni.

Before Licht could start shouting again Niccolo spoke. "Think about it. It's been over a month since we were captured. If our Servamps were gonna come for us they would have by now.😔"

Sakuya cried😢😭. Thinking that Tsubaki would not come broke his heart.

"We are on our own.😟" Alex announced.

"We need to escape.😠" Mahiru declared.

"How many times have we done that and succeeded?🤨 They always catch us?😫" Tetsu stated.

Misono sighed😞. "It pains me to say this, but Tetsu does have a point!"

Mahiru nodded before asking something unexpected. "Mikuni, is it ready?🤨😊"

The Eves apart from Mikuni and Kouki were confused.

Mikuni smiled😊 at the wall separating him from Mahiru and replied. "Yup!😆" Then he walked over to his cells window and worked on breaking the window quickly and quietly.

Licht was confused🤨 and he really did not like to be confused. He liked knowing things. "What is going on?🤨" Licht demanded.

Kouki meanwhile was on his phone📱 which he had stolen back from his ex and had hacked into the security system and was checking the cameras. "The coast is clear!👍" He announced after he was one hundred percent positive it was safe.

Mikuni on the other hand had gotten out his phone📱 which like Kouki, he had stolen back from his ex and declared. "Any moment now.🥱" Then his phone rang.

Misono was shocked and could only say. "Mikuni...😧" before Mikuni cut him off.

"Shh🤫. Trust us.☺" Mikuni said gently before answering the call.

"Hello, 'bout time you called!☺" Mikuni greeted his friend.

Tsurugi: Hi!🤗 Sorry. Yumikage wanted to make sure the coast was clear before calling🙄!

Mikuni sighed😞. "Its everything ready?"

Tsurugi: Us hounds are ready😎. The flight has been booked✈ and paid for. The escape vehicle🚚 is ready.

Johannes: The potion🍾 is ready!

Mikuni smiled and was glad to have such great friends. "Okay. Give us 5⏰ minutes.

Tsurugi: Alright! Did ya hear that Yumikage😅?

Yumikage: Yes I did. I'm right here💢!

Mikuni ended the call. "Kouki?🤔"

A grunt came from Kouki's cell. "Give me a sec!🙄😒"

There was a click and Mikuni's door🚪 was open. Mikuni went out quickly and opened Mahiru and Kouki's cell doors🚪 before going back into his cell and removing the broken window of his cell. Mahiru and Kouki moved quickly and quietly unlocking everyone's doors🚪 one by one. "Come into my cell quickly!" Mikuni called.

When everyone entered Mikuni's cell, they saw Johannes outside the window and without saying anything, Johannes helped them all out and over into the back of a truck🚚.

In the back of the truck were food🍝, water🥛, blankets🧺, clothes🥼👔👕👖🧤🧣🧥🥾👟👞 and medical supplies🩹💊. When everyone was in Johannes hoped in closing the doors. There in the front seat were the C3 hounds. Once everyone was in Junichiro pushed on the accelerator and thd truck🚚 sped off. Johannes was very gentle and treated everyone's wounds. When everyone got out an hour later they were at the airport✈.

Misono was confused. "What is going on?😰"

Mikuni hugged his little brother. "We can't stay here in Tokyo. Not while our exs are still after us.😔"

Misono and the others understood.

Johannes smiled☺. "Don't worry. Me and the hounds will keep your lovers here. We'll let them go after you in once C3 has captured your exs."

Tsurugi smiled😊 as well. "So until then be safe, stay low and stay alive!"

All the Eves nodded before walking off to catch their flight✈.

"Where are we going Mikuni?😰" Misono asked.

"It's best if none of us know!☺" Mahiru replied.

They all looked out the windows of the plane at Tokyo as the plane flew away.

Misono's mind: Never thought that we would have to do this. I miss Lily😞.

Mikuni's mind: How long will it be until we can see them again😔? Oh Jeje, I miss you😭!

Licht's mind: Hyde. Will I ever be able to see you again😞? Stupid hedgehog🦔!

Sakuya's mind: Tsubaki why did you not come for me😟? Why?

Iduna's mind: Freya, I miss you so bad😭.

Niccolo's mind: Lidio. I'm so sorry we had to do this😥😞!

Mahiru's mind: Kuro. When will you come for us😭? Why did you not save is earlier😟?

Tetsu's mind: Hugh. I hope you are okay😔! Please be safe. I love💚 you and I'm sorry.

(Chapter finished!)
(Now what will happen? Why did the Servamps not go and save them? What will the Eves do and where will they go? Will C3 be able to capture the Eves exs, so the Eves can reunite with their Servamps?)
(Answers will be in the next chapter!)
(Hope you are enjoying it as much as I like writing it!)
(Created by katebluejaguar!)

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