Chapter 13

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The driver was already waiting at the airport when I arrived, I could spot him easily as h upe was holding a placard that read
" Anna Jefferson"

I walked up to him after picking up my bag , tapped him on the shoulder and said.

" You can relax now, your years of searching are over."

He turned around, at first he looked startled before asking.

" Miss Anna?"

" Yes" I replied with a smile, he smiled back and gestured with his hands.

" This way please"

He took my bags and we walked to the car, he put the luggage in the trunk and opened the door for me to get in.

" Thanks" I said.

He bowed a little before closing the door then he got in and we drove off.

It had been almost forty five minutes since we left the airport and I had slept. I woke up, looked at my surroundings and closed my eyes again.

I was about dozing off when I remembered something.

" Erm.. Mr... ?" I tried to call the driver.

" It's Gabe" he replied and looked at me through the mirror.

" Gabe , could you please make a turn?" I asked.

He looked at me as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

" Are you sure, we are almost on the second Street before yours?"

"Yeah" I replied then added.

" There's a place I would like to go "

" Ok"
He pulled up, swerved the car and made a U-turn. Luckily he didn't ask any questions.

" Thanks" I said and gave him the address.

It would take about twenty minutes to get there, I looked out of the window with my forehead pressed lightly against the glass. I saw some school girls in their uniforms laughing and discussing, it seemed like they were teasing a girl who was walking behind them, glaring at them with her fists clenched but her actions made them laugh even harder.

I was reminded of my school days and my friends,that face popped up again. Fine dark hair, cold face that rarely smile, those delicate long fingers that play the piano and finally those brown eyes that cried for the first time since I knew him on the day of my departure. I smiled as I remembered how he pushed me into the car do that I won't see him cry,  I miss him though.

Though the only close friends I had were Eric and Lisa, I had other ones too.

I thought of my stepbrother Charles, the only person in that house apart from dad to treat me like a family. It's a pity that he wasn't always at home but he kept sending me letters all this while since I left home.

In the last one he said that he had been admitted into one of the best universities around here and that he was living off campus but very near to school, he wants to become a forensic scientist. He said he doesn't miss home really when I asked, ever since he was little he had been attending a boarding school and I had met him for the first time when they were on a mid-term break.

I wonder how taller he would have grown by now.

Unknown's POV

I threw my hat across the room.

" What did you mean that I was wrong?......Listen I calculated the time from the airport and I got the accurate colour of the car from a very trusted source........ Nothing could've gone wrong , it's impossible" I spoke harshly and slammed the phone into the receiver."

Those fools, I should have know that I couldn't trust them, those retards. They couldn't even do a good job, what a fool I was to have expected a good show.

I placed a up and down the room, I needed to let off stem seriously.

That damned niece of mine, I stopped in front of a full length window and looked outside. I ran my hand through my hair.

That nitwit of a niece dared to ruin my plans, how did she do it? She just returned after so many years there's no way she would wander around unless -

The realization hit me, I smiled.

Unless she had gone somewhere else. That wretched place.

I sat down I took a sip of the juice that had been placed on the stool since I came home.

Take your time niece, it's not like am in a hurry to get rid of you.

" Hey, where's my daughter?" I asked  no one in particular.

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