Chapter 26

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Julian's POV

" Mom, you took forever!"

Lisa screamed as soon as I near the car.

' I guess I pampered her a little too much'

Her mood has been sour since the failed dinner at Eric's, I wasn't affected though I never really like the boy and I've told her countless times that he wasn't into her but she preferred to.... chase her dreams or was to listen to her heart whatever it was that youngsters say these days.

On a normal day I would have snapped at her and told her to shut up but not today, not when I'm in a good mood. It's not everyday we stumble across a relevant information or our secret desires, so I would tolerate her today.

"I'm sorry honey " I told her with a smile on my face.

' hump '
Yep, that was it. That was the reply I got for being kind but I doesn't matter, the days when I could really smile were rare so I can't let her ruin my day.

I just shook my head and started the car.

Once we arrived at the Villa I quickly changed into my official disguise , the one everyone knows me for. I adjusted my hat in front of the mirror and yelled at the direction of the stairs.

" Lisa I will be out for a while, make sure you don't leave the house alone okay?"

" Got it!" She yelled back.

' That's my girl, she doesn't ask where I'm going to or what's up with my outfit I guess she's used to it since birth. Whatever'

I chuckled at left.

" Charles" I called after taking a sip of the red wine I ordered, it wasn't long before I heard the approaching footsteps I leaned into the chair and crossed my legs

" Boss" he replied as he stepped in and I observed him from head to toe.

This assistant of mine has proved himself to be better than that riffraff I employed before, sometimes I ask myself how I managed to employed such a birdbrain given my taste for perfection and good things. That was already in the past though, Charles is the ideal assistant, he carries out his works to the T, just exactly how you would want it.

I dropped the wine glass and placed my arms on the arms rest.

" Seems you are in a good mood" he spoke.

' That's one good observation given how fully covered my face is. He can even tell when I'm happy and when I'm furious,just how much does he know about me? '

" Indeed " I replied.

" No need to search for the prey anymore I found her already so eliminating her now would be easy. Send a few guys to go collect the documents tomorrow around eight in the morning, a cleaner always cleans the house around that time so breaking in won't be a problem. Understood?"

" Yes" Charles replied.

' Always curt and precise,not bad '

" Good, you can go"
He nodded and turned to leave.

" Charles?"

" Boss"

" I would prefer you make sure there are no mistakes"

" Understood, anything else?"

" No,you can leave"

I smiled once again as the door closed with a click.

' Oh Anna dear, after all these years of running you just had to deliver yourself into my arms the moment you came back '

" So silly" I sighed.

Eric's POV

' How the hell did Nathan get hurt? No that wasn't the main issue. Did he get exposed? He came back with her, does this mean that she knows? Ah all this thinking aren't good for my health.'

'Rrring '

The phone brought me back reality.

" Yes?" I answered.

"Eric, what was the meaning of what you did last night?"

It's my Dad speaking in a harsh tone as always.
Last night....last night . What did I do last night.
Oh it was about the dinner, I had already made it clear to them that I didn't like Lisa.

" It's because of that girl right?" He asked.

" Yes, it's because of her and nothing will change my mind just like I've told you before!" 

He's always bringing up Anna whenever things go wrong and it pissed me off.

" Eric.."

" Dad please, I have a meeting to attend" I lied and ended the call.

" Gahhh"

Everything on my desk came crashing down with just one sweep of my hand before I slumped on the chair.

"Anna why did you leave me?"
My eyes were watery already but I refused to give in to the tears threatening to come out, I stood to smoke. It's the only thing that helps me get distracted.

Charles's POV

My boss was in a pretty good mood today , she never drinks wine in the office unless there's a good reason to celebrate. I'm on my way to her niece's former house, what's that her name again?... Anna.

Yep, my name is Charles and I only started to work for her about two years ago. She's too mysterious for my liking but then I wouldn't have accepted the job if she wasn't, I like mystery cases the most.

I have learnt to study all her reactions and know them by heart so that I don't fall victim to her bad tempers, I often wonder what makes her so aggressive each day. Since I started to work for her I haven't seen her real face, she has a couple of boxes that contain masks that can last a person for the whole year with one identity per day always delivered at the office on the first day if every year. Even I do not know the company behind the manufacture of these masks , the only thing unchanged is her height and eye colour I wonder why she doesn't like wearing contacts though. They are emerald green, shining like diamonds whenever she's pleased with her plans because of her I have developed this habit of always staring at people with green eyes especially women  looking for that subtle reaction that would give me a clue to know if she was the one.

I'm always watching her and so does she, we both watch each other, we are both always scheming. She might seem to trust me on the surface but I knew that was not the case. Her last order today was a hint to me and I recognized it especially her expression when she said

"I would prefer you made sure there are no mistakes"

I knew instantly that she wanted me to do the job.

" Excuse me sir, are you looking for someone"  I heard a voice, it's probably the cleaner.

" Ah yes but not a person, miss Anna has directed me to bring her some files" I replied

" Come in then" she let me in.

It was that easy.

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