Chapter 6

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Unknown's POV

In a night bar, a flashy red car stopped at the entrance and a gorgeous woman alighted . She was dressed in black and she wore a hat that covered half of her face.

Only her nose and lips were visible, she looked around as though she was looking for someone. I was right because two men came to meet her and they walked into the bar. I quickly looked away from the window or else they would get suspicious, she and the man who looked like the boss entered a room while the other man stood outside the door.

I had a feeling that they were up to no good and I had to hear what they were saying.

You can't blame me, it's the nature of my work. I worked as an under cover detective for more than fifteen years when a rich corporation  hired me as a bodyguard. I just resigned recently when my last client died, I felt so useless because I wasn't able to do anything when she died.

I had always known that someone was after her life, I guess she also knew because before her death she planned to send away her only child away from her to keep her safe but I guess the girl didn't want to leave her mother.

I can't blame her, seriously I would have done the same thing as the daughter. I had been her bodyguard for more than ten  years now, I was her personal bodyguard until two years ago when she begged me to protect her daughter. I talked to her about the people after her life and she told me

" I don't know what to do, if I make a move they would kill me quickly. Maybe pretending as if I don't know will make them spare my life for some years, I don't want to leave my daughter"

I tried to ask her why she wanted to keep pretending but it occurred to me that she knew people had been after her for a very long time and she hired me when she noticed that they were already taking things too extreme.

She loves her daughter and there's no doubt about it, she also told me the reason why she lived in a remote area and she also made me know that they were only after her property.

That was why she told me to protect her daughter because she was the one to inherit whatever she had.

I began to wonder, what's the use of wealth when you can't enjoy it properly and keep hiding with people after your life. I promised to protect her daughter which was the mistake I made.

I should have never left her side but I didn't know at that time, I followed her daughter wherever she went, to school, when she's hanging out with her friends and more. It seemed like they were interested in getting rid of the daughter so often and I decided to rest one day and that was the very day I hated my existence.

I had received a call telling me that I had made the biggest mistake of my life and that if I had last words to say to my client, I had better start running to her house.

I was shocked, I never knew that they had noticed me because I made sure that I was very secretive. I rushed to her house and I arrived just to see her lying in a pool of blood, people gathered around her and her daughter was crying.

" Mom, you said you would see me get married didn't you?, why leave me now?, why?" Her daughter wailed.

I felt guilty, only if I had been there , if I hadn't left, if I just hadn't taken the stupid day off, if I had just - .

I blamed my self and resigned, I am not fit to be called a bodyguard, I felt useless.
My boss and friends tried to make me stay but I had given up though I still secretly monitor the daughter from time to time. To be honest I was happy that she was doing just fine, she was going to a better school and had made friends, like two of them.

I quickly walked out of the bar with my cellphone in my hand like I was making a call and needed a quiet place. I went to the back of the bar where I assumed was directly the other side of the room where the woman had entered. I pressed my ear to the wall but I didn't hear anything then I moved to the window which wasn't really closed because there was a little gap in between and I peeped.

I saw the man kneeling in front of the lady, before I could ask myself why he was kneeling I heard a slap.The woman had slapped the man.

" You can't even do a proper work you idiot" she spoke.

" You could have crushed the daughter for all I care, that was my sister you killed you fool"
She sounded aggrieved but when I looked at her face , her lips suddenly curved in a smile.

" Well, you have eliminated the bigger problem. So I will pay you your balance" she took out a wad of cash and threw it to the man.

" I'll take my leave now" she said and stood up.

I left the window and went back to the bar, took my car keys and left, it seemed like I have to start all my investigations anew. It seemed like there were things I didn't know about my client.

Her family and relatives with the people she worked with. I had to get all this information as quickly and accurate as I could, I had a feeling that she was talking about my client.

I can't prove that but I felt she had something to do with her death and I would get to the bottom of this very soon or else my client's daughter could be in a great danger.

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