Chapter 22

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It was Anna's first day at work and she had to dress formally with a pair of heels, she never really liked them, she applied a little gloss on her lips, her hair was tied into a neat high ponytail and she left early for work too to create a good first impression.

She was shown her office and it was nothing like her imagination though she had mentally pictured a pretty good office as the post of a manager was a high ranking post, what she was seeing now screaming affluence.
After Camilla had left her, she  sat down on the chair and started thinking about what had happened since she came back to the country. Though she secretly send mails sometimes to her family, it was nothing like seeing and she couldn't deny that she she misses them.

She sighed, she didn't know where to start her work, Anna leaned deeply into the chair before she saw the name tag on the table.

' secretary: Carla       '

She brought her chair closer to the desk and touched the tag to make sure she wasn't seeing things

' Secretary??'

I thought I was given the post of a general manager

" Confused?"

Startled she quickly turned around she hadn't heard someone coming in, her eyes widened when she saw who spoke. She quickly stood up to greet him

" Good morning"

He looked at her from head to toe , she lowered her head and bit her lip.

' the I over dress?'

After sometime he replied

" Good morning"

He walked towards her and sat in the chair she had previously sat in , she raised her head.

" I discovered that my decision was probably  too hard on you as you had no experience in that field. So I guess you should be familiar with the work of a secretary huh?"

He explained while looking at her with such intensity that she was scared. She looked back at him and tried to understand the look, since she saw him yesterday  he always looked at her like  that without taking  off his eye sometimes it was like he wanted to beat her, other times she just couldn't read his expression.

' Does he know I'm the one or not '

She wondered.

Realizing that he was waiting for a response she nodded.

" Good"

He smiled.

'He smiled'

Anna was surprised, it reminded her of the first she had seen him smile when she had agreed to be his friend, it also reminded her that he was a very handsome guy.

She wasn't exactly surprised when she saw him ranking first as the nation's husband it seems  she was wrong thinking that he was not popular but with that face of his, it's unlikely for him not to be popular.

" Camilla will brief you on that"

He said.

"Okay" I replied

He was still staring and I was beginning to get uncomfortable, his eyes flickered with something but before I could figure what it was, his cold demeanor was back.

'Did I make him angry?'

He averted his gaze and nervously scratched his neck before he stood up.

" Goodluck"

He said and walked out but not from the door I had used when I was coming in, there was another adjoining door connecting my office and his.

' click'

I sighed when he left and sat down. It wasn't going to be easy and something told me that he knew something, he was confusing me.


' wow '

I almost gave myself away back there, it was hard to see someone who you've been longing to see very close yet so far away. It was really hard, I was this close to walking up to her and shake her until she tells me if she also misses me because I do, if she has any reason for cutting us off because I knew she had to have one but what or who exactly was after her?

I have to act fast before my parents do something funny but they know better than to do so, sometimes I'm happy that they've come to fear me just the way I had feared them when I was little. They can try and force me to do things but if I don't want to do it then they don't exactly have a say, they've come to realize how much I've grown and I love that.

I paced around in the office for some time before I was interrupted by a knock.

It was Camilla, she came to take the day off, her daughter was sick , I told her she could but not until she had put Carla through on what to do, how to arrange my schedule and all then she left.

It pains me to see Anna in pain suffering alone, I had to try to find out something and see how I could be of help at least I would have to come clean with her. I don't like how we both have secrets between us, when I had noticed her feeling uncomfortable I was angered, she had never been uncomfortable with me before I almost lost my calm but fortunately I regained control.

I sat down on the sofa in office and rested my back.

" How long do you plan on doing this Anna?"

I sighed, there was another knock on the door and when I didn't answer the door opened, one name came to my mind.


Or should I say Nathan, I don't get why the guy decided to change his name.

I Am Who I AmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora