Chapter 10

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"You stole my crush, you idiot!"

Nancy screams as I entered the house.

" If you are talking about Eric then I have no I idea what you are talking about"

I said back at her and ran upstairs. I closed the door behind me and saw my boxes arranged. I walk towards the closet and discovered that it was empty, not a single cloth was there.
I walk out and saw my pajamas and another dress on my bed, what's going on? I wondered.
The bathroom door opens and dad walks into the room.

" Dad?"

" Oh, Anna you're back"

I nod, too confused to say anything. He squats in front of me and holds my shoulder.

" Anna"

No reply.

What did he even expect me to say.

" I'm sorry, I tried to delay your leaving but I really had no choice"
He continued to say other things but I wasn't listening anymore.

Did he say leaving?I was leaving. Why didn't he tell me earlier?
He said he tried to delay it but I had friends and school.

" Anna, are you even listening?"

He shook me a little.
I backed away and sat on the bed, I was going to miss Eric and Lisa they were my best friends. I don't think I would even have the time to tell them.

Dad wipes the tears I didn't even know fell down my cheeks. He sits beside the and hugged me.

" It's for the best, I promise"

I cry even harder and he rocks me telling me that I will be fine.
If my mom was here she won't even let me out of her sight. If I hadn't been stubborn, if I had just listened to what she had to say, if I hadn't left the house that day, if-

" It's not your fault Anna"

Dad says, I hadn't realized I said that out loud.

" I'm sorry"

"It's okay" he replied.

I wasn't saying sorry to him, I was telling mom sorry. I don't think I will ever forgive myself.
I don't know how many hours has passed but I was already giving in to sleep, I had no strength left in me. I placed my head on his shoulder and slept off.

Williams Jefferson's POV

I was still packing Anna's toiletries when I saw her standing in the middle of the room.

" Dad?" She looked at me questioningly .

" Anna, you're back" I said, she only nodded.

I walk up to her and squat, I hold her shoulder.

" Anna" I called.

No reply

" I sorry, I tried to delay your leaving but I had no choice, I had a phone call . It seems like you have stalkers Anna and I'm scared, I don't want you to grow up in this kind of life. Okay?"

No response

" Anna, are you even listening?" I shake her a little

She backed away and sat on the bed, I sit beside her. I wipe her tears and hugged her.

" It's for the best, I promise"

I tell her but she cried even harder,I rock her trying to calm her down then she started mumbling about the ifs she could have avoided and how her mother will not let her out of her sight.

" It's not your fault,Anna" I console her.

" I'm sorry" she apologized

" It's okay" I tell her.

She finally fell asleep and I thought of what that man had told me.

Anna's POV

" Anna, get up, you don't want to miss your flight"

Dad woke me up and switched on the lights. I groaned and cover my head, he drew the covers .

" Anna" he calls my name.
I stood up.

" Go and take a bath then  come downstairs for breakfast" 

He said and left the room. I could tell he was nervous about sending me away.

I take my bath, brushed my teeth and dressed up. I combed my hair and took my school bag, the other bags had been taken downstairs by Chris. I'm gonna miss that guy and Lawrence, have I ever mentioned that Lawrence was a great Cook?
That guy's gifted.
I will miss those pies he makes for Eric.
I sigh at the thought of Eric, I texted Lisa yesterday and she sympathized with me.

Nancy, her mom and dad were already seated in the dining. I sat down beside Nancy.

" Yay finally some privacy" she said.

I ignore her, she really likes the idea of me going abroad so that dad won't compare her with me anymore. I just roll my eyes and eat.

" Anna, come on you don't want to be late"

" I'm coming dad"

We are about to leave for the airport, I had ran upstairs to grab my phone. I rushed downstairs, I wasn't excited to leave but I also wanted to see my aunt who lived in Florida.

" Anna"

I was pulled into an embrace. I let go and looked at the person.

" Eric, how did you find out" I asked.

He only turned his face and pretended to be angry.

" So you were leaving without saying goodbye"

I knew he wasn't angry, I look at him and saw that his eyes were slightly red.

" Were you crying?"  I ask

" That's enough Anna, let's go!" My father hurried me.

" I will miss you"

Eric says and hugged me again then he let go. He followed me to the car, I wanted to sit when he pulled me to face him, he gave me a peck on the forehead and pushed me into the car closing the door. My dad wasted no time in moving the car, I looked back and saw him rubbing his face with a handkerchief, he was crying. I was going to miss him too.

" Anna are you okay?" He dad brought me back to reality.

" Yeah" I replied.

He reached out to clean the tears I didn't know was falling.

" It's okay" he said and patted my back.

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