chapter 19

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Unknown's POV

"Why did you bring her back to this country?"

I asked the father

We were in his study at his house, I was just informed that Anna's back from Florida.

" Even there is not safe for her, Julia knows all our movements"

He replied.

" We don't even know if she bears that anymore"
I said and sat on the desk, turning a little so that I could see him.

" Neither do we know how she looks like"
He added

" I found the picture" I passed him the picture of his late wife's family.

He collected them and I noticed his hands were shaking, little things about his wife seems to shake him up. If he had loved her  so dearly like this why had they filed for divorce. I had tried looking into it but my boss was against it.

Let bygones be bygones

Was all she said.

" Julia's face is the torn one" I stated as he looked at the picture, his eyes were glistening.

" I know that" he replied

" She's fully aware that Anna is back "

He looked at me

" She'd never find her" he said

" That's what you think" I replied

I stood up from the table and paced around for a bit before walking towards the window, I knew he was watching my every move.

He's still suspicious of me and so am I of him. I don't trust him and he knows that, anyone can be an accomplice.

" You didn't even know she was the one yesterday" he said after a long time.

" Excuse me?"

He adjusted on his seat and spoke louder.

" I said you didn't even recognize Anna yesterday"

I raised an eyebrow.

" We didn't meet yesterday"

He smirked.

" Yes, you did"

Anna's POV

Yesterday got me thinking about what would have happened if Eric didn't reach me on time.

I was still in my pajamas, I was typing away on my laptop browsing the duties I ought to carry out as a manager. That post is exhausting if you ask me, you need to be everywhere and know a lot of things going on in every unit from the reception to the kitchen down to the maids , not to mention of the concierge service. This is going to be very demanding.

I'm all alone at home, I rented an apartment to avoid someone trailing me, we had to be discreet.

I don't even know how he sees me now, is he still angry? If he finds out that I'm the one what will his reaction be?

I sighed and went to the balcony, the memories began to play.

From the first time I had entered the class to the day of my departure till the day my aunt had to destroy my phone.

That day had been one of my bad experiences, something was happening but no one was talking, they were all keeping me in the dark.

I had been frustrated probably depressed throughout that month, it was tough to have new friends as I always had it in mind that I may have to change schools again.

What is dad doing?

I wondered, I'm not allowed to call or contact my family, do you even know how torturing that was? I had to destroy the phone I had used earlier today.

Well at  least that feeling that someone is watching me monitoring all my movements is gone for now, maybe it's my new identity that is  confusing them and I'm happy it did at least I won't have to be on my toes all the time.

I looked at the clock it was five minutes past eleven, I had to catch some sleep.

Third person's POV

Anna went back to her room unknown to her a black car  parked by the roadside had been outside her apartment ever since the sky had darkened enough for it to blend into the night.

The driver was leaning on the car, he lit up a cigarette and had a few drags before he put it out.

He couldn't understand his feelings since the moment Anna turned back to look at him.
Why was she pretending to be someone else? She had even moved out of Williams house and when he bugged her phone, he didn't see any contact of the Jefferson's family. Was she being followed again? But why?

He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, it all didn't make sense.

I need to find a way to make her talk to me about it

He thought to himself but how was he going to do so? She was clearly being monitored by someone, what do they want?

Earlier when he saw her in the balcony in her polkadot pajamas, he remembered the day he had seen her playing a flute on her father's balcony , the tune was so sorrowful that he felt like crying. It was a few days since she came to their school, her mother's death was still fresh in her memory.

He didn't know how he found himself at her house, he and his parents had gone for music concert it was one of those few times they ever bothered to visit.
After the concert, his mother had told him that he would be going back with them to America but he objected. For the first time he stood against their decision , his mother was shocked likewise him. He was always a good child listening to whatever he told him to do and made sure he did so. His father didn't say much but his mother kept on calling him ungrateful ' hah'  like he really had something to be grateful for.

It made him angry , his mother was the closest to him when he was younger but she changed all of a sudden. It still baffles him how much she had changed, she was always there for him from the day he had started the kindergarten till the day they told him that they were going to enroll him in a school, he was still homeschooled at the moment.

He was excited at first that he would go to school like every other child but he had been afraid of meeting new people and making friends, he didn't have any.

It was his mother that got rid of his fears and had told him that friends would naturally come to him but he had the right to choose them.

"Some people like to make friends with the new kid in the class, they would usually walk up to you and start a conversation, they could even be your seat partners but remember to keep and eye on them to make sure they are the type of friends you would want to share your secrets with, you have every right to do so"

She had told him.

They left in his father's car after the argument and he had a driver to take him home but he didn't want to face his parents at that moment, he told the driver Anna's address. It was late and he thought she would be asleep by then and that was when he saw her playing the flute.

No, he must find a way

He entered the car and drove away.

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