Chapter 14

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I was sleeping when the driver's voice woke me up.

" Miss, we've arrived" he said.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at my surroundings, yeah we were in the right place. The place that had so many happy memories and some sad ones too.

I sighed and got out of the car, I walked towards the house when I arrived at the front, I remembered the last day I spent here and it wasn't a happy moments. I could still remember that day like it happened yesterday.

My mom standing here and shouting after me while I was so angry to turn back, if only I had known that I wouldn't hear her voice again but there's nothing I could do now.

I shook my head to get rid of the memories and walked inside. It looked clean, I had told dad to assign some maids to the house because I would like to live here someday but that isn't going to happen anymore not when I had a different identity. My living here would only convince people that I was still the some and I would become any easy target.

I have decided to sell the house and rent an apartment that has neighbors around in case something happens.
I opened the door fully to allow more light into the house then I went to draw up a curtain. The first thing I saw was the picture I took with my mom,on it was written " save behind the picture" she was standing and I had my arms around her, hugging her from behind while . We looked happy and that was exactly how we were, happy.

I told her to hang it on this particular spot so that whenever someone walked in they would see the owners of the house. I smiled at that memory, I was still a teenager then. I reached out and took it down when a key fell from the picture with a clink, I bent to pick it up and take look at it.

Uh.. what's the key for. It doesn't look familiar, I turned the picture and didn't see a keyhole. Strange.

I stood up and stretched, I looked at the picture again and decided to hang it back when I noticed that the wall paint behind it was showing signs of peeling off. I touched and ripped off the paint and to my surprise, it came off neatly like something that had been cut before hand that was when I noticed the save.

The save was embedded in the wall and it had a key hole.

I inserted the key and turned it, the save opened with a click.
' wow, that was expected though'
I opened the save.

There were documents there, exactly like the ones I saw in Aunt Melinda's house.
' what's going on?'
I reached for them and flipped over the pages, they were exactly the same word for word.
' there's got to be a difference' I turned the book over and inspected the back.


I placed it upside down and checked the pages for any watermark.


It doesn't make any sense, I opened the book and read it but a bit slower this time.

That was when I saw it, the tiny numbering at the top left hand side.

That's it.

The one at Aunt Melinda's place was fake, how did the property papers get there at first, why didn't she hide it in a place I couldn't find since she doesn't like talking about my mother. Why? It doesn't make any sense, she wasn't related to my mom in any way and Thompson wasn't her last name.

I shrugged my shoulders and arranged the pages of the book, i opened the safe and placed back the book. I ran my fingers along the edges of the safe, it was still smooth which shows that no one has tried breaking into it. I closed it and picked up the portrait in order to hang it back and I noticed that the back was in form of an envelope.

' so many things to notice today huh ' I sighed and put  my hand inside, I felt something.

' what will it be this time?' I pulled it out .

" A picture?"

A picture in a picture, imagine.

I turned it in order to have a better view.

There were four women in the picture, one was slightly older. she was in the middle,the rest gathered behind her and they were all smiling. They looked very happy , I couldn't help but smile but the smile turned into a frown when I looked at their faces.

The face of tallest among the younger girls was torn.

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