Chapter 3

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" This is my class, Anna" Lisa said as we stopped in front of a class.

" You must be Anastasia Jefferson" someone said, we turned and saw a lady walk up to us.

" I'm miss Jade" she said " I can see you've found your class already, please come inside" she said and opened the door for us.

" Yay, we are in the same class" Lisa whispered before moving to her seat, I was happy.
" Hi, class I want to introduce a new student to you all. Class, please meet Anastasia Jefferson" she said.
" Um, hi" I said.

" You would be fine, now get a seat, I would have your timetable given to you by the end of the first period"

" Thanks, miss Jade". I looked around the class, I could see Nancy's disappointed face.
My eyes hovered to the only empty seat in the class, it was the seat beside a boy.

I walked towards my seat and heard someone saying " finally, the pretty boy has a seat partner" the whole class roared in laughter. I could tell immediately that the boy does not have a very good relationship with the other kids.
He shifted slightly to the side making way for me to pass.

" Thanks" I said and sat down.
I could hear miss Jade talking

" I would be taking you mathematics " she said.
I sighed, this would be a very long class. I never liked maths but I also don't fail it, I don't mean to brag but I'm really a bright student.

"Rrrring'The bell rang.

" Thank goodness" I heard someone say , " don't forget to do your homework" Mrs Leslie our french teacher said packing up her stuff. It's time for break, I don't have any lunch because my " stepmom" was busy packing lunch for her lovely daughter.

Well, I'm already used to that, it's been three days since I moved in with them. I remained in my seat and looked for something to keep me busy. I don't know if I imagined it but I felt my seat partner looking at me but the gaze was very short.

During class, I saw many envelopes under his desk. This partner of mine though he's good looking, slightly taller than me, dark brown hair with equally brown  eyes. He doesn't talk except when answering questions,' isn't he going for break, I mean to the cafe or something. Well, I think that's none of my business and I looked out of the window.

Eric's POV

I had just settled down on my seat when our maths teacher walked into the class after Lisa and another girl that I haven't met before had entered.

Miss Jade introduced her as Anastasia Jefferson and asked her to look for a seat. I know this may be weird but people don't like to seat beside me, especially the boy's, they see me as a threat. I don't want to brag but I'm quite a looker and a very handsome one at that.

As for the girls well, it seems like they always compete to get my attention and I heard that whenever I talk to a girl, she always gets into trouble with the other girls. The new girl walked up to me, she's really pretty if you ask me, blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm not that kind of guy you know, I am just appreciating God's work.

I realized that the seat beside me
was the only empty one in the class so she's probably going to become my seat partner.i know it sounds weird but I haven't had any seat partner before, I quickly shifted on my chair to make way for her and she got in.

She doesn't seem like she likes maths which I was grateful for because I also don't like maths. It's time for break now and she's still sitting down, isn't she going to eat or something.
She didn't talk to me during class and I was glad because I don't know how I would have behaved and I would also bring her trouble if I had talked to her. I took a peek at her, she noticed my gaze and turned, I quickly looked away.

That was close i thought to myself. She looked at me for some time before she looked out of the window, I let out an inaudible sigh.

I raised my head to see, Victoria, another girl who has been trying to get my attention. I rolled my eyes in my mind , I really hate girls like that.

I subconsciously glanced at my seat partner , I don't know why but I felt like I was doing something bad in front of her. She looked at me with a questioning gaze (one eyebrow raised).

Shit what did I just do

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