Chapter 27

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Charles pushed the office door open in a haste, he had even forgotten to knock.

Julia frowned and raised an eyebrow at him asking what the matter was without speaking.

" There are no documents there anymore!"

' Clank '

She pushed the chair away as she stood up but she quickly collected herself.

' it must be that wretch' 
she thought.

" It's no problem, we just have to get them back anyway" she spoke after sometime.

" The normal way" she added.

" You mean.."

Charles asked as he understood what his boss meant. He raised his head and saw her smirk.

" Yes boss" he replied and left the office.

' oh niece you just had to soil all my plans but no worries you are within reach now'
Julia smiled.

Anna's POV

" Sis are you sure you want to go alone?"
Charles asked.

" Of course, I want to enjoy the scenery myself" I replied and smiled at him.

'My brother has really grown though he's still a teenager'

Charles scrunched up his nose at her and sneered.

" What's there to see in an abandoned playground?" He asked.

" Charles" I cautioned him.

He seems to forget that I'm his elder sister, he should act more like his age. I frowned at this realization.

" It's the truth. Besides why go at night when you can go now?"

" I just feel like" I shrugged my shoulders and sipped my juice.

" Anyways why did you call me out here?" Her brother asked.

' I actually thought you'd never ask'

We are in a cafeteria not far from the company where I work. It was lunch time and I invited him over.

" Well, I met with Eric"

" Isn't he your boss?" Charles answered.

"Of course I'm not talking about that." I put down the cup and looked at him.

"He recognized me" I sighed.

" It was bound to happen anyways" he said.

I watched him closely for any reaction but he didn't show any as he also took a sip of the juice in front of him. This is the first time he touched the drink since we came here, he was too busy filling me in on a friend he always met at the community library.

Charles doesn't seen surprised that Eric found out, he noticed my stare and looked up.

" Is that why you want to go to the playground?" He asked.

' cough'

I choked on my saliva embarrassed that my intentions were found out quickly.

' How on earth did he even think to that extent? He even  pointed out the fact bluntly.'

" What do you mean?"
I decided to play dumb but I knew the blush on my face had given me away.

He watched me intently.
" Do you need me to say it out loud?"

" Ahem..No, that's enough"

" No wonder you insisted going at night"

" Alright, alright. I know you get it can you not mention it anymore?" I pleaded.

"....Okay" he replied and I sighed in relief.

I checked my time and realized that lunch was almost over.

" I'll see you later"  I stood up and started to pack my bag.

" Sis" Charles called when I turned to leave.

" Yes?"

" We met today in the open, let's hope nobody found out"

I understood what Charles was trying to say ad if anyone eventually finds out it was my fault. He had rejected my invitation and had even scolded me for contacting via phone but I had no choice, I was looking for someone I could talk to.

I crossed the road as I left the cafeteria and proceeded to the company on foot, it was a walkable distance.

' hmmm'

I sighed and thought of what my neighbor would have said if she heard me sighing. She is as tall as I am, slender but has curves, her hair was short stopping at  the back of  her neck.

She's very fair and has some freckles on each cheek, she dresses simply and always puts on a black lipstick, I had told her to try a red one.
She was always cheerful giving you a relaxing vibe that  makes you think you  can trust her.

Whenever I sighed in her presence she would say things like...
" You don't have kids and you're sighing like this already".. or" I wonder what you always think of that makes you sigh".

She just moved into the apartment next to mine a few days back, she was not always at home but she would make sure she comes over to mine whenever she's around. Her name is Jennifer Joseph.

"J.J " as she calls herself. Seeing her always reminded me of aunt Melinda, I wonder how she's doing.

' Honk'

A car suddenly passed by , I hadn't seen it coming as I was occupied with my thoughts.

' Drivers these days'
I  shook my head, they always seem to be in a haste.

I continued my walk to the company and noticed that the car had stopped ahead, a man came down from the car and started to walk in my direction

Charles was right when he said
" it was bound to happen anyways".

I can't keep running for the rest of my life, I would have to confront Julia anytime soon. Brian had mentioned about the secret file he found when he infiltrated Julia's base but her current appearance is still  a mystery.

He had told me to watch out for "the green eyes"

"The green eyes lady"

I repeated aloud and something clicked, Jennifer also has green eyes.

I gasped only to find out that the man had disappeared, I heard footsteps behind me but as I turned to look I felt something hit my head with force. I felt my legs give way and everything became blurry.

"  Someone has indeed found out, I've been kidnapped"

Those were my last thoughts as my eyes succumbed to the darkness.

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