Chapter 31

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About half an hour ago

"That was too much work " 
Julia tossed the gun she had picked from one of the men on the floor after shooting the other men except Adam, it would be an hassle if they were to be interrogated.

" He just had to be so skilled in everything, he could have a suitable suitor for Lisa...what a waste?!"

She turned around and ventured into the old factory building. The coast is now clear, there's nothing to keep her from achieving her goal today.
Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the corridor to the last room by the left, standing by the door she looked into the room and saw her pretty little niece bound to a chair in the middle of the room facing the floor.

' She's probably asleep'
A smirk formed on Julia's lips as she made her way into the room, she stood in front of Anna and ripped off the tape used to seal her mouth violently hoping the pain would wake her up.

"..ahh" came the soft voice from the girl who jerked awaked at the sudden pain, the plan had worked. The corner of Julia's lips curved upwards.

" Awake already?"
Anna cocked her head towards the direction of the voice without lifting her gaze. The room was silent except for Anna's shaky breaths.

" Beloved niece .." She said in a condescending manner and a hint of mockery, Julia squatted so that she could face Anna properly. She used her two of her fingers to raise Anna's chin so that she could see her face clearly.

" Why aren't you saying anything Ann--"
Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to move back quickly, falling lifelessly in the process as of all energy had been drained from her.

" Why are you so surprised to see me....sister?" The girl on the chair spoke.

" Y-you....why is it you Melinda?"

" Oh Julia. As disbelieving as always"  Melinda tilted her face and laughed. She quickly undid the ropes used to keep her in place.

"It's a good thing you didn't alter your real face Julia, at least I can still recognize the face of whom was once a sister to me"

" ..Impossible....."  Julia said shaking her head as if to get rid of the image in front of her.

' As if that would change anything'
Melinda thought and rolled her eyes.

" Where's Anna?" Julia asked using the table to help herself up.

" Why don't you look for her?"

" Where is she?!!!" Julia screamed, she was starting to lose it. She had not come this far only to fail again.

" Haha.. you're so funny Julia. I've been the one here the whole time, that subordinate of yours was really easy to scam with just a wig" she walked towards her crazy sister.

" Wake up Julia, your time's up"

"....N-no, no" They came out as whispers now.

" Why were you so impatient, killing of poor Amelia? Did you think I don't why mom refused to give you the inheritance?"

" Shut up!!"

" Oh, are you still in self-denial? Give up. You are a psycho, mom did what was the best for all of us"

" What do you know Melinda? it had been a long passed down tradition in our family for the eldest to inherit everything. Why should my turn be different?!"

It was evident that Julia had completely lost it, the look on her face at this moment could show her the state of her mental condition.

" The eldest was given the inheritance not to squander but to divide it along with the rest of the siblings just because they were presumed to be matured enough to do so in a manner that wouldn't result into conflicts. Do you understand?"

"Liar!!!" Julia's breaths were coming out as pants now

" Hmm" Melinda snickered

" We went clubbing , partying and oppressing others who were of low status. You never thought we were wrong, only Amelia was the one who tried talking sense to us, she was the only who behaved the way an heir should behave!!"

" Stop it" Julia grabbed her own hair and pulled at it moving backwards. Her veil had fallen off .

" Face it Julia, you killed sister"

" I didn't, I didn't kill her you liar. It was just to scare her off!!"

" You're the liar Julia, that was a fatal accident you planned. You are a just monster, using others to do your dirty work for you!"

" Ahhh!!!"
Julia bolted from the table and ran outside stumbling and falling twice along the corridor as she made her way outside, Melinda followed after her.

She found Eric and the rest in front of the building when she got there, Nathan was holding up Charles who was supposed to be dead supporting him with an arm around his waist.

' The damned traitor didn't die, the bullet hadn't done enough damage" She thought in anger and she turned to leave.

Her daughter's voice made her stop her in her tracks.

" Lisa? She turned around and frowned when she failed to see anyone that looked like her daughter.

" I'm here"  Charles said and pulled off his mask.
Julia's eyes went wide once again and her pupils dilated, she had almost killed her own daughter. She staggered and held the wall for support.

' No, she wasn't a monster, no one wanted to think good of her, no one cared about how much effort she put into this. They had all been against her from the very beginning not even trying to understand her for a moment. It was their fault, even her own daughter was against her.'  She shook her head to clear her thoughts and bolted again.

" Julia!" Melinda's voice echoed and a Police car's siren was heard from a distance.

"Uhhh" Anna's silent and dark world saw light again as she opened her eyes. There were voices in the background.

" .... Don't have to worry......not dead yet..". These were the only words she could make out at first before she decided to pay more attention.

" Mrs. Amelia Thompson, are you with me?" Came the voice again.

' Amelia Thompson?? That was her mother's name, she could never forget it for anything in the world. What was going on? Where is she? Had she travelled back in time or she was dead already? What had happened after she was knocked out ?'

Anna tried standing but felt very weak,she decided to remain where she was realizing that she was laying  on a comfortable bed.
She tried to sit up as well but her body ached all over.

' Had I been out for too long?"

" Ughh" she groaned from the pain.

" Baby, are you okay?"
That voice.... it's impossible.
Her eyes snapped opened and she asked.

" Mom?"

" Yes, dear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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