Chapter 25

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She paused in her tracks and looked at him wide - eyed. Brian chuckled, he never expected his assailant to be Anna.

Brian held on to the wall as he tried to stand properly and Anna frowned.

" It's Carla"

" Are you okay?" Anna asked worriedly.

" I think I only broke a leg, nothing much" he said and smiled.

Anna shook her head, he hadn't changed though he looked a lot more matured now his childish behavior was still there, somehow she was grateful that he hadn't changed. His carefree behavior was something she had come to like that made her want to be his friend back then.

" Anna.."

She held up her hand to make him stop.

" It's Carla"

Anna bent to pick up her shopping bag from the floor. She had thought her disguise was fool proof, so authentic to the extent that Eric was fooled by it.. or so she thought.

She extended a hand and helped him up and leaned him against the wall.

" I never thought you would eventually carry out your threat after eight years of disappearance"

Anna frowned as she looked at him blankly.


He pointed a finger at her clueless expression looking shocked.

" Don't tell me you have forgotten that you promised to make sure I broke a leg that day you followed Eric to the park"

' speaking of Eric'

" You knew?" Was all Anna could ask.

Brian just continued to look at her like someone that suffered a brain meltdown, his vibrating phone brought him back to reality and he picked the call.

'Speak of the devil '

" Hello"

Anna looked away as a little blush was threatening to make it's way to her cheeks. It turns out everyone knew Eric was taking her out that day except herself.

" Where the hell are you?!"

Eric's yelled at him through the phone the moment he picked up.
He had to move the phone away from his ear as the person at the other end end was shouting.

" Why did you take a long time to answer my call?" He continued to question Brian.

' man can't you calm down at least I picked the call just after three rings'

" Calm down" Brian said.

" Office now"


The call had ended.

" Do you have somewhere to be?" Anna asked.

" I think that should be the hospital"
He said and leaned on the wall.

" What of the person that just called? He sounds very angry"

" That shouldn't be a problem, help me"

Anna crossed his arm over her shoulders so that he could lean on him.

" Why were you stalking me?" She asked.

" Seriously, I'm injured and that's all you can think of"

Brian retorted.

He tried standing on his own but soon realised it was a futile effort so he leaned half his weight on her and limped, he had to admit that Anna's kick was very strong at least her self-defense skills are okay.

" You left me without an option"
She replied.

Brian flagged down a taxi as they got to the side of the road.

" Twinks Starlight" he told the driver once they were inside.

" Twinks?"

She turned to face him wide eyed.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to the hospital?"
She looked at him suspiciously and Brian let out a chuckle.

" Trust me, I'm fine" he said with a smirk adorning his face.

" You don't seem fine to me" she shrugged and sighed.

" You haven't changed at all, always taking injuries lightly"
Anna added as she huffed and crossed her arms.

This was typical Brain, even when he bruised his knees when they played dodge ball back in school he didn't seek any medical attention, he had only worn his uniform after showering and left for home.

She  had always wondered if he was abused at home to the extent that he no longer feels pain but from what she heard his parents were caring and well to do and that was confirmed the day they  followed him home after school.

' what made him so tough?'

It worried her seriously, he was the only best friend she had besides Eric. She had thought that she and Lisa would be very close but for some reasons the girl was not free with her the way she was. Her research on his background showed that his family are well to do and as their only child he had everything they could get him in the world. Just what made him tough.

Speaking of Lisa, it's been long since she saw her.

Brian's lips curved into a smile, if he hadn't been sure that she was Anna he was hundred percent sure now by the way she's behaving.
Seeing that the girl absorbed in her own thinking he decided to let her be but her next question threw him off guard.

" Have you been hearing from Lisa?"

His smile quickly faded and he frowned unconsciously.

" That name ?"

" What's wrong with it?" She asked.

" Nothing but don't mention it near Eric"

Anna looked at the man beside him, even when injured there was no frown on his face only that carefree look.

' just what did he pass through that made him tough.'

Anna wondered

She glanced at the man beside her, seeing his pursed lips Anna knew he wasn't going to talk so she let him be.

The silence stretched till they got to the company, Eric was already waiting outside his face contorted with a deep frown as he saw Brian limping.

He walked up to them with unhurried steps.

" What happened?" Eric asked as soon as he reached them and helped Brian out of that car.

" Nothing much" Brian replied.

He narrowed his eyes at his best friend.

" Is that so? Then I suggest you should walk by yourself." Eric said and turned to leave.

" Wait"

He paused and turned to look at the owner of the voice.

" Carla, is anything the  matter?" He asked keeping a poker face.

Brian shook his head at his friend's antics, the guy didn't know that his cover had been blown.

" Nothing, I don't think he can walk on his own....sir"
She said in a small voice not daring to look her boss in the eye.

Brian who couldn't walk on his own was speechless.

' what's up with these two?
Still pretending huh, I would like to see how far you guys can get'

He smirked at his Eric.

" What is said is the truth sir?"
He added to irk Eric.

Eric glared at him before asking someone to take him to the hospital.

" We'll talk when you are okay" he said and made for his office.

Brian whispered to Anna as soon as Eric was out of sight. She rolled her eyes and told him to get himself treated.

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