chapter 1

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" I don't want her here!" Nancy shouted and ran upstairs.

" Nancy get back here" her father shouted back. His wife looked at him and went upstairs. He turned back and looked at me.

" I'm sorry you had to see this" he said, I didn't even know what to say. I could still remember the day my world started to fall apart.


Anna was going back home, school just ended. The sun was scorching and she has to trek home. Why? It's because her mom didn't have enough money to pay for school bus.
Huffing and puffing, she continues her journey even though her legs were already complaining. Just then she sighted the tree.

" Yes, I'm home"

She raced to the tree and rested on it panting. She could see her mom in front of the house waving to her.

" Anna, over here!" Anna ran with all her might and got to where her mum was standing.

" Mom" she said as she embraced her mother.

" Welcome home baby" her mom lead her into the house.
" Quickly change and eat, I have something to tell you"
" Okay Mom"

" How was school today Anna?" Mrs. Thompson asked her daughter, Anna was still chewing her food.

"Fine" she placed down her fork and took her plate to the kitchen.
She sat down on the chair facing her mother.

" You said you wanted to tell me something"

" Yes, it's about your father"

" Mom, I don't want to hear any about him" she said looking away. Her mother took her hand and looked at her

" I have kept you away for too long, moreover you would soon be going to the university and I don't have enough money to pay your bills. I -"

" Mum, I can get a part time job or whatever, I don't want to go to a place where I won't be accepted"

" Your father is a good man" her mom said

" Yes yes, a good man that doesn't care about his daughter" she retorted.

" Do I have to tell u again? I was the one who said he should stay away from me, from us Anna. Why can't you just understand?"

" Mother I don't want to hear anything concerning this matter again" Anna said as she walked out of the house went across the road.

" Anna!" Her mother shouted and followed her out.

" Anna, wait!" Then there was a screech and a car passed by with full speed. She realized that her mother was no longer talking.

"Mom?" She turned back and saw her mother lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
" Help!" She shouted and tried to raise her mother up.

" I'm very sorry, she had already passed on before she was brought to the hospital" Anna heard the doctor talking to a man she thinks is her father.

" I understand doc, thank you very much" the man replied and wiped the tears at the corner of his eyes and looked in her direction, he walked up to her and sat down beside her. Her body was violently shaking from her crying, he hugged her .

" It's alright dear, your mom wouldn't like to see you crying like this" the man said before he helped her to her feet and brought her home.

Back to present
" Are you okay?" Her father asked when he saw her standing there looking blank without saying a word. She nodded and mutter something.
" I'm fine"
" Alright, come let me show you your room" He said as he took her hand and let her upstairs after calling the house help to carry her luggage.

And so her story begins

Hi guys, please bear with me, I will try as much as possible to give an update everyday. I hope u like the story. Thank u

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