chapter 20

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Unknown's POV

The lights were out , they had probably retired for the night but I still had to move fast someone might be watching,I had come alone. I quickly searched for the air vents, using the doors was only going to get me caught, motion detectors would have been probably installed the more reason why I shouldn't use them.
There was a soft clink and the cover gave way, I crawled in, my destination was the top floor. This was their main hideout but something tells me that I may not be able to get everything I need here but I had to try my lock, my eyes could not wonder as the space was cramped, I had limited time but had to be very careful not to make a sound and trust me I wasn't easy. My movements were slow yet fast.

I had been trying to locate this place for the past eight years when I was following up the case of my employer's death , many times my investigations hit the bottom rock.

When I thought I had found a lead, it would suddenly lead to nowhere, they were very careful in leaving any traces behind. I managed to finally get here when I trailed a suspicious van the day Anna came back to the country, the van's occupants were talking about some failed plan.
There was a turn ahead , I stopped and squeezed myself to bend through the little space , I succeded.

This hideout was close to a military base, hard to gain access into but I had a military friend , he invited me for a sleepover I couldn't turn down such an offer trust me.

When my colleagues heard that I was going back to the organization they had been happy, they all knew how devastated I was after my employer had died.

That had been the first job I had failed though my friends kept telling me that it wasn't my fault. They just don't understand even Rissa was no exception, Rissa and I we're the youngest in the organization. We had been introduced to Orwells by our parents since the age of five, the organization has since then been our second home.

The movements in front me brought me back to reality, I froze and stared straight ahead.

' shit not in this cramped spaced '

I muttered, the sounds were coming close.

Closer and closer.

' here it comes'

I held my breath  and prepared myself.


The movement had stopped.

Was that it?

I opened my eyes, I didn't even realize I had closed them.
I looked at the source of the noise and my eyes widened in surprise.

It was a rat, a freaking rat

I really didn't know if I should laugh at myself for being afraid of a rat, we stared at each other before it went the opposite direction.

I sighed in relief but it wasn't long before my body tensed up again, it had headed in the direction of the fan. It crawled towards the blades without care as I turned to look.

' shit '
I cursed and that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

There was a cutting sound and I felt warm pieces of wet things flung to my face, the long tail made it's way into my mouth just as I finished cursing before I had time to close it and I choked.

I couldn't cough it out as I would would alert the bandits , I used my hand to remove it but i could still feel the metallic taste of blood at the base of my throat, I had been served dinner I guess.

I finally made it into the office, I opened the drawers and searched, what I was looking for ? I don't know but I would realise when I saw it, anything that could incriminate them and give a clue about Julia's  new identity and her appearance.

I searched the ones beside the table, there was nothing. I was moving very fast but carefully, we'd been trained to do that, I moved to the ones on the desk and flipped through the files.


I checked on top of the desk, nothing.

I let out a frustrated groan and that was when I saw a sealed off package with caution signs that says keep off.

I walked to the shelf on which it was kept bit the alarms went off as soon as I touched it , I heard movements outside the door and someone talking.

They had started searching the floors.

I tore the seal in a straight line with pocket knife, they should be on the third floor just a floor left.

I opened the package and saw about twenty files, I had to look through them.

"The next floor, move move move"

They were heading my direction,  they were pretty fast with the fourth one, the footsteps were becoming clear.

I flipped through the remaining two files, the knob turned. They were here.

" It's locked"

someone said

" I have the keys"

Another replied.

I found it, it was a file containing her movements and undercover names she had used over the years, I take it out and hid it away in my coat.

There was a fumble at the door, they were probably looking for the right keys.

I placed the package back on the shelf and turned on my lighter to seal it back.

' Click '

The door opened.

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