Chapter 11

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Dad's POV

Anna waved at me when I dropped her off at the airport.
I couldn't stop my tears when she finally got on board. The stranger's voice came back to me.

" You must protect her no matter what"

" Dad, you promised you will take me out this weekend"

Nancy's voice interrupted my
thoughts. I sat straight on the sofa and nodded.

" Yes, I'm taking you guys to the park"

" Yay!" She screamed and hugged me before going upstairs.

" Mommy, dad's taking us to the park"

I laughed and shook my head then I remembered something.
I pick up my phone and walked to the balcony.

" Melinda"

" Hi, bro"

I heard my sister's voice through the phone.

" How's Anna?"

" She's just fine, she adapts really well and fast too, it seems like she met one of her friends here too. I think the girl also moved with her family to Florida"

" Okay, make sure she doesn't contact anyone else"

" Even if i-

" Even if you have to"
I replied, she gasped and muttered something like ' poor child'.

" Bye" I hung up.

Third person's POV

Anna sat quietly in the sitting room watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

" Anna"
Aunt Melinda called her,she turned back.

" Hi Aunt"  Melinda crossed over to where Anna was sitting and sat beside her.

" Anna, you have to block all your contacts" she suddenly said.
Anna quickly turned and stared at her wide eyed.

" It's for the best, Anna"

" Please stop this" Anna stood up.

" That's the same thing my dad told me when he wanted to send me away now you?. I just don't get, it doesn't seem to be for the best at all"

"Anna, calm down"

" No, no one is even saying anything" Melinda hugged her

" I'll tell you everything".

" Isn't Anna coming to class today?"

Brian asked. Remember the guy who told Eric that he was worried about Anna, yeah that's him.
Eric looked up and replied

" No"

" Oh, is that why you are looking so down?" He teased, Eric glared at him.
" It's none of your business" he replied , the bell rang and a teacher was coming into the class. Brian looked at Eric

" You still don't want to admit it"
Eric wanted to say something but the teacher was already inside the class, Brian laughed and walked back to his seat.

Half way into school hours, their homeroom teacher came to address the class.
After addressing the class,he packed his register.
" Does anyone have something to say?"
He asked. Nancy raised up her hand.

" Yes, miss Jefferson"

She stood up.
" Sir, can I change seats?"

" Yeah, who do you want to sit with this time around?" He asked.

" Um, sir I want to sit with Eric"

Eric who had been quiet since morning suddenly looked up. The teacher was surprised, Nancy always liked to seat with her female friends, her clique as they called it.

"Why if I may ask?" He replied.

Before Nancy could reply, Brian also raised his hand.

" Excuse me sir, I also want to seat with Eric"
The teacher looked at him.
" My grades are bad and he's the class president so I believe he could put me through also, I don't want to repeat a class" he quickly said, he understood why Nancy had wanted to switch seats. Now that Anna is out of her way, she wants to get close to Eric by all means.

" It makes sense if you put it that way then you can seat with Eric. As for Nancy, I believe your grades are good, it won't be good if two good people are seated together why others don't get to learn. I hope you understand"

" Yes sir"

" Good, if there's anything else I'll be in my office"
Brian got up and moved to the seat beside Eric.

" Thanks man" Eric said
'" I'm only doing it because I want to copy" Brian said jokingly
" Oh really, then I take back my thanks" Eric replied and stood up .
" Hey,I was only joking, do you have to be so serious?" Eric didn't reply and walked out .
" This guy.. now I will have to work hard to get good scores. My days off enjoyment are over" Brian lamented.

Anna wasn't picking up, her number wasn't even going through.
' what's wrong?' Eric wondered, he had been trying the number for a few days now.
Could it be that she lost her phone?
Lawrence knocked at the door
" Young master" he said.

" Come in, Lawrence" Lawrence stepped into the room and saw that Eric hadn't changed his uniform which was very unlike him.

" Young master, is there a problem?"

" No"
Lawrence saw him clutching to the phone and he understood, his young master had been trying Anna's number for a while now. He decided to stop poke nosing and get straight to the business.

" Your parents would be returning Tomorrow" he announced.

" Okay" Eric replied and he left the room.
He let out a sigh.
' Anna, where are you?'

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