chapter 4

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Anna's POV

  I was still looking out of the window when I heard footsteps, I turned my head to see a girl with deep brown eyes approach our table. She stopped in front of my partner  stretching her hand, she was holding an envelope containing a love letter.

The envelope looked like the ones I saw under his desk. I waited for him to collect the letter but he did, I turned to look at him and found out he was looking at me too. What does he mean by that for crying out loud?

" Erm, did I come at the wrong time? I mean it was only the two of you in the class before I entered" the girl said.

What is she trying to say? I opened my mouth to talk but my partner beat me to it.

" Not at all, I just -

" Oh, so Eric,you didn't want to collect the letter because of Anna" she interrupted him.

Now, what does his refusal have to do with me.

" It's not what you think Victoria, she doesn't-

"Well then, don't you think because you a new student that you can do whatever you like" she said facing me.

"I'll take my leave" she left the class and I quickly followed her out, this was a misunderstanding and I wanted to clear it. I tried to catch up with her but she was walking very fast and before I knew it she was walking towards a group of girls.
She had started rambling to them before I caught up.

" Um, please can you let me explain" I said and they all turned to me, I saw Nancy in their midst and I had a bad feeling but it was too late to retreat.

" Well?" A blonde girl said when she saw that I wasn't talking.

" Victoria, I wasn't talking to My seat partner and I didn't tell him not to collect the letter, his refusal has absolutely nothing to do with me." I tried to explain

" So you take us for fools, don't you?" The blonde girl spoke again.

" Well, that's exactly what I see her doing right now" Victoria said.

" You've got it wrong" I replied but they started walking closer to me  until they surrounded me.

The blonde girl took off my glasses and I could barely see anything without those glasses, someone kicked me from behind and I fell. Something pricked my knee, I was glad I was putting on trousers but I felt blood coming out of that spot staining my cloth.

" Okay, that's enough. If we go any further I doubt if my father is going to let me be for the rest of the month"  I heard Nancy say then the sound of footsteps and giggles.
I knew they had gone and I tried to stand up, I turned to see if I could find my way but I bumped into a wall and fell again.

" Ouch" it hurts and I cried.

"Anna?" Someone said from behind, just the person I wanted to see.

" Lisa"

" What's wrong? You are bleeding."

" Help me to the clinic"

" Okay, let me carry you"

My knee had been bandaged but I still can't walk properly, I would take up to three days to heal completely.
Lisa wanted to stay with me but I told her that I needed her to copy notes in class so that I can borrow them.
After school, Dad came to pick us up, I guess the school nurse told him that I was injured. He piggy backed me to the car while he told Nancy to go and get my bad.
You needed to see her face.

Nancy's POV

I had been looking for a way to get back at Anna and couldn't find a chance. I left the class frustrated and went to hang out with my friends. We were still talking when Victoria came rambling and guess what, she was talking about Anna. I was too happy to hear what she had to say, I saw Anna coming right behind her.

She said something that upset the group and they surrounded her in no time, I didn't even want to stop them but I made sure they didn't take it too far because my father won't let me off if she's seriously injured.

After school Dad came to pick us, he didn't even look at me and went straight to the school clinic as if that wasn't enough, he made me bring her bag. Trust me ,I wanted to throw some of her books away if my dad had not added this statement

" Not a single book is to be missing, okay?"

I was angry would be an understatement.

I'm so sorry for the late update please, I had network issues.
I love u all😘

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