Chapter 24

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I continued to follow her as quietly as I can. This wasn't stalking I told myself, I was her bodyguard and I'm still her bodyguard.

I kept telling myself that I  had done it before, I was a spy, her bodyguard and I have no option than to follow her but I knew I was lying because I was no longer her bodyguard and the few times I had spied her from a close distance like this, I was discovered by her but I was lucky enough to hide behind the wall before she could see me and I know that even now she can sense me, I just had to be careful.

I hate to admit it but she's really good at discovering people's presence around her.

My leg still hurts from that jump I made from the top floor of a seven storey building, I was lucky I landed on the pile of grass behind those flowers. I had originally planned to slid down the metal pipe that I could reach from the office and I had started to do so until I heard someone coming towards the window to check if I was still there, I had to jump.

Her father was right, there was no way you could tell it was her. The disguise was almost perfect except that she was back to using glasses.

Since that incident on her first day at school after her mom died, she stopped wearing glasses she had settled for contact lens so not many people knew that she wore glasses except those who knew her before she changed schools.

The eyes still makes the resemblance striking at first glance there was nothing apart from the eyes that would make you know they're the same person,even her gait and composure has changed, she now walks with an air of confidence and maturity. Her mom, my former employer would be proud of her, speaking of employer. I remembered the veiled woman.

I was shocked when I went through the file yesterday, one could tell how meticulous Julian was when it came to hiding information.


I locked the door behind me as soon as I entered my apartment, my military friend had been nice enough to drop me off and he didn't ask me where I went to yesterday night.

I  made sure the curtains we're drawn before switching on the lights, it was time to open the file. Taking out the pocket knife I had used to cut the package yesterday, I cut the file open.

I opened the first page, it was blank.
I turned to the second page, it was also blank.

'What the–'

I opened the third and the forth, the same thing, I flipped through the pages to the last and they were all blank.

I ran my fingers across the pages , there were papers like that where you will need to shade the page or sprinkle ink on it in order to see what was inscribed on it but then those papers would have a rough feeling and this one was smooth, plain smooth.

Don't tell me I had wasted my efforts for nothing.

" Urgggh!" I let out a frustrated groan.


I punched my table and it broke.

'cheap furniture'

I switched off the lights and walked out of the study, a whole night had been wasted.

I sighed. Had it been I had jumped to my death or the dogs had caught a wiff of my scent in the air that night, what if those flashlights fell on me and I was discovered, would I have been killed for a bunch of blank papers?

Something wasn't right, why would they set an alarm for something irrelevant and even searched for the intruder for that long using flashlights .

' flashlights '

" That's it"

I ran back to the study , I didn't bother switching on the lights I already had a flashlight on.

I picked up the file from the crumbled table and pointed the light at the pages, that was when. I saw it.

' Genius'
My lips curved into a smile, relief washed over my faces.

There was a list containing the fake identities, names, faces and places she had worked in since the last ten days.

I sat down on the sofa in the study as my legs were aching and continued to look at this new found information, it turned out that she had undergone surgery as soon as the quarrel broke out but she only started to execute her moves ten years ago.

I flipped to through the pages and stopped at the one from eight years ago, a particular profile caught my attention.

I scrolled down to the name , it read.

Miss Jade Peters

'That name sure rings a bell" I said and read further.

School: Rainstreet high

Isn't that Anna's school before she travelled, my eyes widened at the realization. I went back to the name

Miss Jade Peters

"Miss Jade"

The picture said it all, she was Anna's homeroom teacher. There's no way I could mistake her for another person, she  had jade eyes like her name had a red hair tied into a donut as always.

That was when I realized that I had seen the same jade eyes woman at the airport the day Anna left.
My lips curled into a smile, now we know the colour and bodybuild of our target.


The present

I had bumped into someone while I was carried away with my thoughts.

" I'm sorry sir"

She apologized, it was a young lady who had bumped into me, I bent down and helped her pick up the apples that had fallen from the bag due to the impact.

" Thank you" she said,I nodded and walked away.

She was gone, Anna wasn't in my line of sight anymore.

' shit '
I must have lost her when I stopped to pick those apples.

I searched around and thought of where she would be, there was a left turn in front and I guessed she had taken the turn. As I just took the turn, there was a kick sent to my direction and it caught me off guard as it landed on my injured leg.

" Uggghh"

" Seriously, a kick like that could make you fall"

A girl's voiced reached my ears, I stood up painfully and looked at my attacker. Her eyes and mine widened in shock.


We said at the same time.

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