chapter 9

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Mr. Martin is packing up his stuff as the bell rings signalling the end of lessons today, English was our last lesson for today.
I start packing my books when Eric drew me closer.

" What?" I said in a whisper to avoid the teacher's stern look.

" Um, I want you to follow me to karate class after school" he said.

" Today?" I ask

" Yeah, if you don't want to, I will understand" he says as he started to pack his books.

I know he's tricking me into agreeing to go and he's doing a great job because I was giving in already.

" Okay, I will call my Dad to tell him that I'll be coming home late today" he smiled.

I could tell he was happy that he succeeded, I roll my eyes and closed my school bag then I wait for him to finish as Mr. Martin leaves the class.

" Aren't you going to call your Dad?" Eric reminds me.

" That's true" I took out my phone and dialled my dad.

" Hello"

" Hi Dad, um I will be following Eric to his Karate class today so I will be coming home later" I said

" Ok, that cute boy who came to our house right?" My dad asked, I felt embarrassed a blushed a little then I look at Eric

" What?" He said looking at me.
He didn't hear what my dad said,
I shook my head and returned to my phone.

" Yes" I replied

" Great, have a nice date Anna" my dad said laughing.

" It's not a date" I muttered and hang up.

" He's okay with it" I told Eric.

" Great, let's go, Lawrence will be coming later to pick us up" Eric says while smiling, I wondered why he was so happy.

" Anna!" Someone screamed my name and I turn around.

" Lisa"

" You guys didn't even wait for me" she said panting, she had been running after us.

" Am sorry Lisa, I'm going with Eric to karate class" I replied.

" You like violence?" She asks with her arms folded.

" Kinda" Eric replies.

" Ok, I better get going" she said and started jogging towards the car.

"Oh, break a leg!" She shouted waving at both of us.

" Thanks!" We chorused then we looked at each other and laughed.

" Let's go" he took my hand and dragged me out of the school gate.

" So what made you learn karate!" I asked while we were walking.

" Well, I guess I have a talent" he replied, I looked at him.

Somehow I had a feeling that he was lying about this whole karate stuff. To be honest he looks like those kids who are better at instruments and basket ball, you know slim rich kids who don't like rigorous activities like breaking legs.

" Hey, isn't this the road to the park?" I asked

" Yeah, maybe we should stop by. Wanna play?" He looked at me, I squinted to find out if he was lying.

" Okay" we headed to the park.

We played a lot, he carried me on his back to the roller coaster.
We ate ice cream and watched other people play, I suggested we played too and he won a stuffed cow for me.

I had forgotten about the karate class he had and he didn't even mention anything about it. When we entered a dark dark scary tunnel, things jumped out of the corners and I was very scared but Eric maintained a straight face. I also tried to act brave until a clown popped up, I screamed and ran away. Eric quickly caught up with me and tried to calm me down, I swore never to ever enter any of those again. We played for sometime then I suggested that we should rest because I was tired. He carried me to where some chairs were arranged and laid me down in one.

My eyes were already closing,I saw him saying something then waiting for me to respond. I was too lazy to ask what he said so I just muttered a yes, he smiled and I guessed I said the right thing , my eyes closed.

I was lying down but the bed was moving. I wanted to wake up but I also wanted to sleep then something brushed my hair and I freezed. Was that a rat? I quickly opened my eyes and saw Eric laughing. I punched him playfully then I realized that we were in a car. I looked at the driver's seat and saw Lawrence driving and the car came to an halt but it wasn't my house.

" I will walk you home" Eric said and opened the door for us to get down.

I was standing in front of a very big house and a beautiful one in fact.

" Your house?" I ask and he nodded.

" Come in" he dragged me inside.

The interior was screaming wealth, every single chair and art looked expensive but the house was empty, his parents were not at home. They were always away leaving only Eric behind, I pitied him really. I looked at my wrist watch.

" I better get going" I said

" Wait. Let's eat first, I know you are hungry." Eric said

How did he know, humph I won't let him think that he's right.

" I'm not hungry" I replied and my stomach rumbled proving me wrong, he laughed.

" I didn't know you lived nearby" I said.

He was walking me home , I just realized that we lived in the same neighborhood.

" Me too, I knew few days ago" he replied.

I wanted to ask him how he knew but something crossed my mind.

" Eric"

" Yes"

" You didn't go for the karate class today"

" Oh, about that..."

" What about that? " I asked, he turned to look at me and smiled.

" I lied" and he ran away.

"Eric!" I screamed and ran after him.

I knew it, I just knew it, I knew he was lying but he could have asked me out directly. I would eagerly say yes, I wasn't really angry but I didn't like the idea of him lying to me.

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