chapter 16

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At Twinks Starlight

The cab came to a halt and she looked up, the building was just as she remembered it.

She got off and stared at the building in front of her, it has up to fourteen floors, the upper most floor being the CEO's office had a transparent glass though you couldn't see that by standing below the the building.
She had left home early to be here, she didn't really get enough sleep yesterday because it was already past midnight when she finished her resume .

The name Twinks Starlight was written above on top of the company, it glowed at night. She knew the workers were well paid , people who worked here were always looked up to in the society.

She sighed, it had been her dream to work her but that was when she was with her mom in fact she wasn't sure what her dream was anymore.

Her mom?

" Excuse me"

The voice brought her back from her thoughts.
She turned to the driver and realized she was still standing by the roadside.

" Your change"

" Oh thanks"

She shook her head as though trying to get rid of her thoughts as she knew she shouldn't look vulnerable on her interview.

Anna straightened her back and entered the building, it wasn't going to be easy or so she thought.

"Boss, the interview for the manager post is about to commence"

A man in a black suit said as he entered an office. The owner of the office sat on a rotating staring at the wall length glass with his back to the person who entered the room.
The room was extremely spacious, the tile were polished and dark brown in colour, the walls are painted white. The sturdy table at the center was made of mahogany. The cushions  and arts displayed screamed of wealth  there was another door at the far end of the left side of the office.

Receiving no response,he looked at the guy sitting on the chair, he took a step forward.

" Boss?"

" Nathan"
He finally turned around in his chair.

He was putting o a gray suit today, his  dark hair was styled backwards with a parting at the side, his  brown eyes had no emotions in the likewise his cold face that barely showed any expression. He was devilishly handsome but had an overbearing aura that would make you think twice before provoking him, sometimes even Nathan thinks he has facial paralysis or a kind of emotional disorder. He hasn't changed a bit even though it has been close to three years now since he had taken over from his dad, the former CEO of the company.

" When have I ever paid attention to ridiculous things?"
He asked crossing his arms as he leaned on the chair.

" I understand"  Nathan replied and turned to leave.

" Just send me the person's info immediately"

"Yes boss"

Anna walked towards the reception.

" Hi"

Anna greeted the lady there with a smile, she was on the phone with some client or customer or maybe another applicant.

' Geez, Anna calm down, you're freaking out'

" I will call you back" the receptionist said to the caller and hung up.

" How may I help you?"
She was younger that Anna thought.

" I'm here to apply for —"

" Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you  in time. How was the drive here"

Anna was interrupted by the lady.

" Um.. nice. Thanks?"

" I'm Ellie by the way, this way please miss Jefferson" she said as she started to walk towards the elevator, noticing that she was the only one going, Ellie turned to look at her.

What just happened? Anna was surprised. She wasn't expecting that kind of welcome and how the hell did she recognize her, she is currently using her new identity Carla Peterson. Something was not right.

" Miss Jefferson?" The receptionist called.

" I'm sorry but I think you made a mistake, my name is Carla Peterson" Anna replied.

" Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were Nancy, she was the one who was going to come."

Wow it turns out that Nancy had been here too.

" Please excuse me" Ellie said as she picked a call.

" Okay, she's here now.... No problems.... okay".

" So she said she won't be coming and I should let you take the interview "
She said as the call ended.

" Okay?"
Anna replied.

" This way please miss Peterson" she said and this time Anna followed her as they  headed to the elevator.

It was just the two of them in the elevator , it didn't even stop on the way. It seems like everyone's busy Anna thought.


"This way please" Ellie gestured to Anna as they stepped out of the elevator.

In an office in Twinks

" Don't tell me you guys are still not friends" a lady in her early twenties was a call sitting on the desk, the office was not as furnished as the CEO's but it was equally not bad.

She swirled the wine in her hand and took a sip.

" Don't worry, I would take good care of your sister during the interview. I will definitely make sure she fails" she said as she made her way towards a seat and sat down.

" Okay, I've got to go. She should be here any minute form now .

They both stopped in front of  an office before Ellie knocked on the door.

"Come in" a voice called out and Ellie opened the door.

" Good morning Miss Camilla, this is the applicant for the internship"  she said.

" Okay, you may leave" the woman replied.

Anna was a little nervous as the woman had been staring at her since she entered the room.

Camilla countinued to stare at her for what seemed like an eternity. Just when Anna was about to ask her why, shoe broke into a smile.

" You're Carla?"

" Yes?" Anna answered while her eyes asked her questions.

" Please sit for a while, we're expecting someone"

" Okay"

Anna sat in the sofa in the room, Camilla had her assistant bring her snacks. She was halfway done with the chips when Camilla spoke to her again.

" Carla"

she called placing the phone on the receiver and looked at Anna.

" My boss wants to see you"

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