chapter 7

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Anna's POV
I came back from school today very tired and exhausted. I was very quiet in class today and I also felt a little unwell.

I knew Eric also noticed that something was wrong with me because he asked me if I was okay.

" Yeah, I just have a slight headache that's all" I replied with a fake smile .

" Okay" he said but I knew he didn't believe me.

I don't know how he could tell I was lying like the other day I fell when playing Dodge ball.
Lisa asked me if I was okay and I said yes, I didn't want her to worry but I was really not okay. When he came over i also told him that I was okay but he didn't believe me, I was as if he could tell that I wasn't.

He squatted and raised my trousers and that was when I was exposed. Lisa was angry with me while he personally took me to the clinic and waited until I was treated before walking me back to class.

After class, he asked if I was okay again and I said yes, he felt my forehead and thank goodness it wasn't hot. He waited with me till the driver came to take me home, normally he would leave before me because his driver always come before mine.

" Evening dad, mom"

I said and climbed the stairs before my dad would start asking questions, I really don't have the strength to answer any questions today.

I locked my room the moment I entered ,I threw my bag to the floor and quickly changed then I slept off. I didn't know how long I had slept but my dad knocked on the door and when I opened it, he said

" Anna what's up with you? You didn't even come down for dinner"

What, they had eaten dinner? Why didn't anyone call me? I wasn't even hungry anyway.

" Anna, are you okay? " He asked, I nodded and he felt my temperature.

" You are obviously not okay, you have a fever. Try to eat something while I get you some drugs okay?"

I nodded and sat on the bed. He looked at me again and left the room, I heard him talking on the phone and I knew he was telling Chris to buy some medicine for me. I looked around and saw a bag of chips, I was too lazy to eat something crunchy so I settled for burger. I had slept for sometime before my dad brought the drugs then I slept off finally without any disturbance.

I was arguing with Eric over something , he didn't agree with me so I walked away. He tried talking to me but I didn't even look at him and he left, during break I saw him talking to Victoria.
I knew he noticed that I had entered the cafeteria, he always notice but he didn't look at me.

I occasionally looked at two of them, he was putting vegetables on her plate telling her to eat more healthy things.

I was very infuriated, that's exactly what he says when he puts vegetables on my plate. That's it, I went over to them and dragged him out of the cafeteria. I asked him why he did what he did and he started laughing

" It was to make you jealous Anna, you ignored me throughout today and it really pissed me off so I did something to get your attention"

" You what?"

I was annoyed but I felt bad for him, he was really hurt to have done what he did and that was when he did something I didn't expect. He pulled me closer and hugged me.

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have fought with you"
he said and pecked me, then he lowered his head and I knew he was going to kiss me.


I shouted and looked around, it was a dream. I heard a knock on my door

" Anna, did you have a nightmare?"

It was my dad and he entered the room. He felt my temperature and told my to rest at home meaning that I won't have to go to school today.

I was happy because I didn't know how to face Eric after the dream I had but I was also sad that I won't see him . I picked up my phone , I had three missed calls from Eric.

Did he also have the same dream? I thought but I knew that I wasn't possible. I looked at the time, he would be in class already and we we're not allowed to use phone in school. I sighed and dropped the phone then I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Eric's POV

I called Anna to ask how she felt but she didn't pick up, maybe she was still sleeping. I knew she wasn't okay yesterday, she was very quiet in class and didn't go out for break yesterday.

I had asked if she was okay and she said yes but I knew she was lying, I don't know why but I always feel like I know her and I could easily tell if something was wrong with her. I guess it's because we are close and she also knows when something is wrong with me too.

As expected, she didn't come to school today, the classes we had were boring to me and I knew it was because she wasn't here. I decided I would check on her at home after school today.

" Hey dude, what's up with you?" Brian asked.

Well, I couldn't call him my friend because we don't talk but he's kind to me than the rest.
I looked at him and I could tell that he was really worried

" Nothing"

" You sure, like you spaced out in class about three times and you didn't answer any question during chemistry class, which is your best subject. Definitely something is wrong"

I kept quiet , he looked over my shoulder as if he was looking for someone.

" It's because she's not here, right!" I looked at him.

I was shocked,How could he tell?
He chuckled

" Looking at your expressions, I can tell that I was right, by the way my name's Brian" then he stretched out his hand and asked

" Friends?"

I knew he didn't mean any harm, I shook his hands and replied

" Friends"
He smiled and I smiled back.

I could see that Lawrence, he's like my Butler, driver whatever but I call him my companion since he's always there for me whenever my parents are too busy to acknowledge their only child.

He opened the door for me to get in and closed it after me.

" Take me to Anna's house" I told him, I looked at me perhaps surprised but he replied

" Okay, young master".

He knows Anna's house because we've been there. I mean we didn't visit but I made him follow Anna yesterday just to know where she lives. I don't know but I already had the feeling that she won't come to school today.

I'm very sorry for the late update guys. Very sorry, I hope you are enjoying the story. If you have any observation let me know by commenting. Thank you

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