chapter 2

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I heard a soft knock on the door and opened my eyes, everything looked different.

" Anna, wake up and get ready for school" Mr. Williams, her father said.

" Oh that's true, I almost forgot" I said and quickly got out of bed. I took my bath, wore my school uniform and went downstairs to eat. Dad was sitting close to my stepmother with Charles in between them while across the table only Nancy was sitting there. I remembered what she had said yesterday,

" You disgust me" she had said after I had dinner with them last night.

" What are you waiting for Anna, dig in" my father said, Mrs. Jefferson glared at me while Nancy behaved as if I wasn't even there.  I sighed and sat down on the farthest seat beside Nancy and started to eat.

" Would you pass me the salt please?" Nancy asked, I was shocked that she spoke to me, I nodded and reached for the salt. I passed it to her , she waited for a few seconds before she reached out to take it from me . I waited for her to collect it but she didn't, all of a sudden her hand moved and I felt something wet on my uniform.

" Oops, I wasn't looking, my hand must have slipped." Nancy said but I knew she was lying. I don't even have another uniform, as if Dad knew what I was thinking he said " it's okay, you don't need to wear a uniform. I already got u transferred to Nancy and Charles's school".

" Dad!" Nancy shouted, " how could you honey? You didn't even tell me" my " stepmother " said

" Anna, you should go and change into another cloth now  or else you would be late to school" Dad said and left the house for work. I went upstairs to change. Dad wasn't as bad as I thought, maybe if I had listened I will still have both my mom and dad now, I thought. There was a Knock on the door followed by Charles little voice.

" Sis" he said , " the driver is ready to take us to school " . I wiped away my tears and replied

" I will be there soon" I heard his retreating footsteps and opened the door. Apart from Dad, the only person who has truly cared for me was Charles. He was very excited when he heard that I  was going to be his sister, I guess it's because Nancy doesn't treat him like a brother. She sees him more like a burden than a brother.

The ride to school was quiet, I was the only one in the car with the driver, Nancy and Charles had taken the bigger car.

" Miss, we have arrived" the driver said , I got down and muttered a " thank you" to him . He looked slightly shocked before he replied me , " you're welcome" and drove off. I looked at the school, the buildings were very big and beautiful, it really shows that only those who have resources can afford to school here. I felt ashamed thinking about my former school, I was still in a trance when someone bumped into me.
" Am very sorry, I did not see you there. I was in a hurry, by the way my name is Lisa. It's like you are a new student" she said

I'm Anna" I replied. Just then, the bell rang.
" Class has started , come on I will help you find your way" she said as she grabbed my hand and started walking.
' wow ' I thought, I'm sure we're going to be good friends. I like her already, I smiled.

A/n : I hope u are enjoying the story so far. I need your comments also. Thank you all.

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