Chapter 30

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Third person's POV

Charles entered his black sedan and drove off after texting Nathan the location, it was an unfinished abandoned factory in the outskirts of the city.

The service inside the building was bad.

Anna couldn't call for help even if she tried unless she stepped out of the building which was impossible without external aid.Charles was just wise to have secured the location while they were still on phone.

' At least he put in a lot of effort for this  one, if only he had put in half the effort in previous assignments, things could have been better.'

Charles thought to himself. Then again it could be that Adam had help or it was a trap he couldn't help but fall into. Either one he would find out when he reached there, he stepped on the gas and accelerated.



Charles closed the door as he stepped out of the car and looked around. The factory was just a storey tall, you could tell it was the factory as it was the only storey building and it was right in the middle.

There were overgrown bushes and some trees everywhere and some old buildings on the right side of the factory that were probably used as offices or quarters before a pile of rusty barrels on one side of the building, there were no gates just an open field with cliffs at the far left end of the building.
It would take two to three minutes of running to get to them he estimated.

Everything was very quiet except for the rustling of leaves and grasses, Charles took off his sun shade and walked towards the building , he patted his gun in the pretense of tucking in his shirt properly.

When he was just few steps away from the building, he felt he heard movement behind him and he turned just in time to see Julia's car come to an halt beside his own.

" Well well well, it's a good thing you came here yourself brat, saved me the energy to invite you "

The door closed with a creak as Adam made his way towards Charles. He stopped beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" It's a good thing boss is here too, don't you think?" He said and walked past Charles over to his boss.

" What's this I heard about you Charles? You can't take it that Adam was a step ahead of you this time..." Julia handed her bag over to Adam and walked towards the young man. she wasn't wearing her black gown today, she put on floral printed light green dress that hugged her curves with a pair of black heels to match with her veil. The veil stopped just above her lips which were coloured blood red bearing her signature smirk, the young man just stared right at her trying to figure out what was going on in her mind.

' so it was a trap that I couldn't help but fall into. Interesting'

"Or is it that you want to soil my plans?"
She came to an halt two steps away from him, the smirked turned into a smile. Charles maintained his position, his face expressionless as usual.

Julia looked at the mysterious young man in front of her through the black veil. He was a very handsome fine man , he would make a good boyfriend for Lisa if he didn't work for her.

Charles had been a mysterious person since their first encounter till now, she couldn't figure out what was going on in that head of his even after knowing him for close to five years. He always wore a blank look and his eyes betrayed no emotions. He knew her so well from when she was angry enough to throw things at them or in a good mood to drink her favorite wine to when she was serious to get things done, a very efficient employee any employer would want.

I Am Who I AmDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora