Chapter 29

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Unknown's POV

They had successfully tied her up at my order, it felt so good to be in control again without having that brat to order me around.

" It's all done sir"  one of the men came to tell me.

" Nicely done, good job" I said and patted his back.

' it wasn't easy, actually I had been trailing her since the day the boss showed us her picture. I had to wait for the right time to strike.
I was freaked out when I saw the hostage beating up a guy the day before in a club, it seemed like he thought she was drunk and attempted to grope at her. He called on his thugs or probably his friends to help him when he found out he couldn't win the fight but none of them dared to come nearer for fear of been beaten by her.

I wouldn't lie, I must say that her fighting skills are decent probably on a level higher than mine. That's when the thought of knocking her out came in because I found out she was always occupied thinking about something all the time and I was right, it paid off.

Now I will no longer remain a lackey, boss will realize that she made a mistake in replacing me with a greenhorn who doesn't know his job. He's only good at suggesting ideas but he's actually a coward in carrying them out, he's always relying on our help.

I can't help but think of what the future has in store for me'

" You guys should wait for me inside " I told him.
He only nodded and walked back towards the house.

It will be difficult tracing this place because there are no houses, no network and only buses here. One would hardly know where we were unless he was following us.

I looked around satisfied with my arrangements. Everything was ready, I have already called boss to come over since she knows here.

I just have one call to make.

Charles' POV

I was typing away on my laptop when my phone vibrated, I frowned when I saw the caller but I picked up anyway.

" Hello?"

" Anna's missing" Nathan's voice came through.

I frowned even further.

" What do you mean?"

" You don't know where she is?"

" Julia decided to kidnap her tomorrow not today"

" ....That means she's truly missing.... This is bad"   Nathan's voice came through.


Someone was calling me, I removed the phone to glance at the caller and let out a sigh.

' That guy just never gives up'

" You there?" Nathan's voice brought me back.

" Yeah...I think I might know who the culprit is, I will get back to you"

I hung up and picked the call.

" Adam"

" Woah. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, always sharp as usual."
Adams voice came in.

The guy was dumb and could do anything to be recognized by Julia, it was very easy for me to steal his position by being just smart and quick. Adam was a guy who believes in force, it may have something to do with his stature.

" I know you have the girl, it's not yet time to take action so release her "
I went straight to the point not even bothering with pleasantries.

" And why would I do so?..just because you asked me to? I'm just a man doing his job rather than wasting time doing nothing. Boss had long ago given orders why not carry it out? Say I have helped taken this task off your list right?"

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