chapter 18

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Anna stepped out of the building while speaking to someone through the phone.

" Yes, I still can't believe my eyes you know"

She was speaking with Charles

" Yeah....... Don't tell him yet let me break the news to him first.....well I haven't being paid so your play station would have to wait......yeah, I know by the way aren't you supposed to be in sch-

She was pulled to the side by a very strong force just as a car sped by nearly brushing her.

What the just happened happened?

She realized that she had somehow walked to the middle of the road instead of maintaining her pace by the walkway.

She had crashed into someone, obviously the person who had just saved her, she looked up.


" Thank you Mr.... uhm"

" Eric Howells" that deep husky voice replied how she missed the old voice but this one's not bad either, he had really matured within those eight years.

His arms were securely holding her in place while he continued to look at her, he met his gaze and stared back at him

Realizing the kind of position they were , she freed herself and moved back she didn't notice that Eric's face darkened a little.

"Thank you " she thanked him again but he didn't say anything and continued to stare at her, she started feeling uncomfortable.


Few minutes ago

I had gone to the terrace to clear my head, I knew what I did in there was rash but I didn't mind.

Maybe my dad was right after all, I smiled bitterly and ran my fingers through my hair. How come I still look forward to seeing her after all these years? I mean she did cut off all sorts of connection we had, even her family had to relocate and they avoided talking about her as if something unpleasant had happened to her

She could have called or sent a text or anything just to let me know the fine at least.

I had always thought of a reason to justify her actions during the first three weeks like maybe she was very busy and was still getting used to the new environment but as weeks turned to months and months into years, I got angry. I had spent the first three years planning on how I would react when I eventually see her.

Sometimes I would pretend that she was a passer by I see on the road and act snobbish telling myself that she would run after me seeing that I didn't come to greet her. Other times, I would imagine my self running into her spread out arms before venting my anger.

" Hahaha"

I chuckled at my stupidity then.

My father eventually knew something was off about me when he came by to visit once in the third year and decided to take me with him back to the United States where I studied business administration for 4years. I had been afraid to make new friends then, afraid that they would also leave me when I would start warming up to them.

I placed my hands on the railing for support and that was when I saw her.

She was speaking with someone through the phone then when she giggled, I froze. It was the same old giggle, that mischievous sound Anna would make whenever she saw I was confused about something she said.

I've started to think about her again.

" Hmmm"
I sighed as I turned to look at Carla again before I headed back inside, that was when I saw the car.

At first I thought it was someone who came to pick her up but strangely the car refused to stop in front of her and continued to trail her.

The memories of Anna always telling me about people she felt watching her flashed by and before I knew it I had entered the lift punching the keys.

" Uh.. do you need something?" She asked.

That question seemed snapped me out of the date and I realized I had been staring at her, how could two people really look alike, I mean not that well but really similar.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare like that"
I apologised but I didn't leave no, I had no intention to do so.

" it's okay, I would leave now"
she said and turned to go.

I panicked for a moment, somehow I felt like I was with Anna just now and she wants to leave?

I had to do this, it's the only trick I have left, even Anna does not know of it so it's safe to use it. I had to find out if she's the one , I made no sense because she didn't look like she knew me except she was pretending but why she would pretend to be another person except that she really had no other option than this?

What if she's the one and somehow me knowing she's the one would complicate matters?
No, I had to try.

She had only taken a few steps before I talked.

" Anna"

She turned back.

'It worked?'

" It's Carla not Anna" she said and smiled at me.

'It definitely didn't work'

" Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't get that before" I replied.

" It's okay" she turned and left.

I remained where I was, I had to watch till the end, she had walked few steps before she looked back over her shoulder without stopping.

I smiled.


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