22. Qin Yu

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(A/N: For those who haven't noticed, Yu's realm is in more of a Wuxia setting (please google it) my knowledge of such is only surface level so I won't delve too deeply into it until I've done my research to the fullest plus it's not going to be exactly as it is in wuxia worlds. Anyway~ ...)

Bai Ling —2nd junior brother

Kang Jinhai —3rd Junior brother

Shi Yaozu —4th Junior brother

Xu Heng  —5th Junior brother

Liang Shoushan —6th Junior brother

Song Yuan —7th junior brother

And Zhang Jue —8th Junior brother

Those were the names of Qin Yu's brothers under the same master. These were the ones he was closest to, save for Zhang Jue and Song Yuan, the others had become students at the same time with him.

They learnt together, trained together, fought together and even lived together albeit not in the same house but on the same mountain.

As the oldest, he looked after each of them, in place of their master who would sometimes go in to seclusion, he would guide them and even correct them if need be.

He bore a lot of responsibility on Heiz as he was his masters successor. It's not a lie to say that he'd grown accustomed to having responsibilities placed on him.

Qin Yu was the type of person who would feel lost if his hands were empty. He was someone who even though he appeared to be sharp tongued and disagreeable liked to take care of others, to lead the way or be the protector.

When his brothers didn't return that strong sense of responsibility became a heavy burden, he felt he had to go find them or find out what happened to them.

If they were alive he had to send them home, if they were in danger he had to save them, if they were dead he had to bury and avenge them. Didn't matter the state of them what was important was finding them first everything else could come after. Because he was their eldest senior brother.

It was no wonder, when he found a lazy Min and a easy-to-fool-Hyunjin, he once again felt that sense of responsibility. It was why he took a liking to Lee Hyunjin and his resemblance to Zhang Jue.

Thinking of all this, Qin Yu smiled, he knew himself well. He was a person who didn't like to be empty handed and alone. He liked taking care of others.

Actually in that regard he was a bit like Min so maybe that's why they often clashed in the beginning but that was also why they came to a tacit understanding, Hyunjin and the kids first, their own safety can come after.

Qin Yu shook his head, if at all even one of his brothers was alive, he'd like to introduce them to Lee Hyunjin and the rest.

Qin Yu looked towards Min, now that he'd sent the others away she no longer needed to focus on defence, she could attack now.

The python, Rui, was a poison type, it spewed poison not only from its mouth but from underneath the scales of it body, contact with that poison was deadly.

If it wasn't for Min shielding him at critical moments Qin Yu would be dead already. His spirit wasn't enough to fully block off the powerful poison attacks.

Rui could also shed its thin yet hard scales, firing them off like arrows, not only that but despite its large body it was fast and each strike it made with its tail was precise and powerful. Rui's reach was particularly long since it was a snake so whenever Qin Yu or Min dodged his attacks they had to pay attention to distance as well.

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