57. Chaos

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(A/N: now that I'm back home, my irregular publishing schedule is back🤩🤩 especially since I have been inspired by the things I saw. Let's hope this lasts😌)

Levi sighed and asked, "are you threatening Temis?"

Kim Jaehyun shook his head, "no, I just happen to like beasts with white fur," his calm eyes drifted towards Artemis. Of course I do dislike it when they try to drop me onto the ground whilst we're several metres in the air...

Kim Jaehyun was a perfectly petty person, he would certainly admit it and Cerberus could also attest to it.

As such, him also being a person who was mildly afraid of heights, he clearly hadn't forgotten his flying lessons with Artemis.

He had not forgotten at all 🙂.

"Strange human—

"My name is Hyunjin."

"Yes but you are a strange human."

"How am I strange?"

"How are you not strange?" Cerberus asked.

Lee Hyunjin and Cerberus had been going back and forth just like this, despite knowing Lee Hyunjin's name Cerberus still called him 'strange human' most of the time and when Lee Hyunjin told him no to, he calmly argued that he was a strange human thus he could be called such.

Lee Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Cerberus and decided to ignore him. He focused on circulating his spirit, a task he'd been doing a lot lately since they arrived at the inn.

Ever since his spirit veins had opened, the spirit he absorbed no longer leaked out of him, it instead circulated to and from all his focus points constantly and it became even faster when he concentrated.

Lee Hyunjin today was trying to recreate that black aura that he'd used to scare away the demon dogs.

According to what Einari told him, he was able to mimic the 'presence' of those whose spirit he'd absorbed before, going as far as creating quasi-tangible figure of that person. Lee Hyunjin decided to call this ability:


The last time he'd used the mass of corrupted spirit inside his body, this time he only had the pure spirit from Eneri and he wasn't sure how that would effect his <Projection>.

Lee Hyunjin thought of Min, her coal black fur and amber eyes that glowed fiery when angry, he thought of her seemingly indifferent yet caring attitude. His memories came together and painted her picture in his mind.

As he remembered the beast that had accompanied him through most of his suffering in this world, a sudden memory flashed through his mind.

It was a rainy day, the thick rain drops pelted his skin with a vengeance, he was in pain, terrible pain but he was also terrified.

A low rumble sounded near him and a beast cloaked in the darkness of night prowled towards him slowly. It's amber eyes bore into his own.

From the corner of his eye, Lee Hyunjin could see the corpse of the wolf that the beast had just killed.

It was the first day he met Min and also that was the first time he saw her as the predator she was.

That image was perfectly clear in his mind, it resonated with his spirit as he focused on it and Lee Hyunjin felt like the circulation of spirit in his body had sped up even more.

Cerberus who was playing with the children by lighting his mane and tail on fire felt the air in the room change. He looked up towards Lee Hyunjin.

Cerberus tilted his head in thought, a look of both amusement and anticipation on his face, "strange human.... are you not human?"

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