31. Minhee

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"Again! Again! Again! Why does this keep happening?! Leave me alone!!" Lee Hyunjin shouted whilst running.

Really how many times does he have to run from these monsters everyday? Does he look that nice to eat? Come on ah!!

Lee Hyunjin made a sharp turn, hopping up onto a large tree branch and and running along it.

He slipped and ended up sliding down the rest of the way, hugging the children tightly to keep them from suffering any injuries. "Just hold on a bit, I'm sure we'll lose this guy!" He said to them.

After being chased dozens of times he'd somewhat become used it and though he went an a ranting rampage in his mind complaining and practically wailing, outside he surprisingly seemed to keep calm. Perhaps it was just a front he was putting on so the kids don't get too scared.

Lee Hyunjin reached out a hand, grabbing on to a vine. He held the vine tightly and used it to swing to a nearby branch, hopping onto it then kept running till he disappeared into the thick of the trees that were densely intertwined.

The creature that was chasing him let out a howl as if announcing that it lost its prey.

Only when he heard that howl did Lee Hyunjin sigh, he climbed up a tree and settled down to take a break.

A number of days had passed and he was sure that it'd been at least two weeks. The most shocking thing that happened wasn't the monster hunting him but rather the sudden growth of Minjae and Minho.

The little white cubs that were small enough to fit in his palms had grown to the size of house cats in such a short time. They could even run beside him surprisingly.

Only Minhee remained a tiny fluff ball and she was quite insecure about that. If Lee Hyunjin dared to mention her size then she'd smack his head with her paw or bite at his fingers with her tiny teeth. It was adorable but her teeth were still very sharp so it hurt.

Minjae and Minho also didn't dare bully their sister about it... lest they get smacked. Minhee might be small but her tiny paws were quite powerful and Minjae learnt that the hard way when he kept hopping around her ridiculing her 'tiny size'. In this sense Minhee was very much like Eun.

Although the two had grown quite big, Lee Hyunjin couldn't feel the weight difference. Maybe it was because he'd been carrying them around but he really couldn't tell at all thus most of the time he still carried them especially when running.

"Let's take a break okay, then we'll go look for some food, I'm also really hungry," he said.

The tree he'd climbed up wasn't tangled with other trees so it meant nothing couldn't get to them unless it flew or jumped.

Lee Hyunjin was particularly tired after all the running he had to do.

There was a persistent pack of what he was calling 'demon dogs' that kept hunting him down.

They'd been on his tails the past couple days and he found it really hard to get away from them so his legs were sore (especially his right leg which had actually started to swell now), he also hadn't had much Eneri since he gave it all to the kids so he couldn't heal or replenish his lost stamina as fast as he wanted to.

He still drew the protection runes but unfortunately they didn't work on the demon dogs and he didn't know why.

"Minho, Minjae... I'll have to trouble you two, keep watch for hyung while I sleep a bit okay?" He asked the two white cubs.

They growled out a response before hoping up to different branches to keep watch. Lee Hyunjin shut his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Minhee who was snuggled in his hands stood up after she was sure he was asleep. She signalled to her brothers and they immediately came down.

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