34. The Cusp Of Insanity (II) (UPDATED

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(A/N: Before we begin this chapter! Let me just say for those of you who may be expecting Lee Hyunjin to turn into one of those icy-cold protagonist with a dark history and trust issues... that's not going to happen. I have no intentions of turning him into that kind of MC... he's my cute son after all😤)

Why was it that in his supposed last moments, he did not think of his life experiences, his memories didn't flash before his eyes nor did his mind blank out. He did not think of his regrets or even the joy of finally joining his family on the other side.

No, what Lee Hyunjin thought of was the suffocating feeling inside him. That strange feeling... he'd been having for a while now that had just been getting stronger and stronger to the point of being unbearable.

He felt like he finally understood it.

It wasn't unfamiliar, it was just one he didn't feel very often despite all the crap he'd been through, and even if he did feel it, it was always directed at himself.

Simply put, he was angry. Lee Hyunjin was really angry.

He was furious and for the first time in a long time he wasn't angry at himself.

He didn't like this, he didn't like constantly being separated from the people he loved, being bitten by dogs or having to make the kids feel sad.

He didn't like any of this at all!

Lee Hyunjin was the type of person that almost never got angry, from the moment his parents told him his brother wasn't coming back, he'd never truly gotten angry at another person ever again that part of him seemed to have shut down and what replaced it was self blame.

It was no wonder he couldn't understand the feeling inside him. But the moment he understood it the suffocating feeling in his chest changed and he felt as if  something inside him was being wrenched open.

It was painful, terribly painful, more so than the jaws of the demon dogs that were attacking him. To the point that he failed to notice some of the dogs falling to the ground whilst frothing at the mouth.

But the moment it's all came to a halt there was an explosion of raw energy right there and then as if his body could no longer contain it.

A dense dark energy wrapped around Lee Hyunjin like a thick shadow, forcefully pushing back his attackers.

The sun was still up but the light couldn't pierce this shadow at all as if it was a physical entity. Slowly the shadow shifted and writhed around his body, hiding him whilst it began to take shape.

When the demon dogs looked at the writhing shadow, they could see that deep within it, somewhere at its centre was a bright burning golden, the other too dark to be seen.

Though it was golden like the sun the energy it emitted was cold and vicious. The demon dogs instinctively backed away, trembling in fear, save for those that had suddenly fallen to the ground as if poisoned.

The shadow that wrapped around Lee Hyunjin grew massively in size. It took on the form of a four-legged beast as black as night with a single golden eye on its right and a black one on its left.

If anyone looked closely they'd realise that the shadow that wrapped around Lee Hyunjin looked exactly like Eun but the aura coming from the shadow was eerie, it didn't match Eun at all and that weird combination terrified the demon dogs even more because the demon dogs recognised the aura... it was the aura that belonged to the king of Ifvnar —the python Rui.

(A/N: I guess about now would be the right time to play the song 🤔🤔 yeah.)

The shadow beast stood on its legs and roared powerfully. It shook the trees and scared away the lesser beasts.

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