50. Reminiscence(I)

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Numerous strands and clumps of black hair littered the floor as Kim Jaehyun carefully worked the scissors through Lee Hyunjins hair.

Although it looked messy and tangled due to its curls, when one touched it, they would find it was miraculously soft. It's thickness was what made it hard to deal with.

"How short do you want it?" Kim Jaehyun asked.
He looked at Lee Hyunjin through the mirror that the staff had brought and placed in front of him as per request.

Lee Hyunjin hadn't thought of how short he wanted it, he only knew that the hair that covered his eyes had to stay as it was but he felt like he'd have to explain the situation with his eye in order to say that so he just said, "short enough that it won't be such a bother," he looked at Kim Jaehyun then said, "as short as yours."

Kim Jaehyun understood and focused on cutting the back. As he did so he remembered a time when they were in middle school.

Back then Lee Hyunjins hair hadn't started straightening out yet and was even more curly, both Song Hayoon and Lee Jaehwan were thoroughly tired of taming his hair every morning so they came to a consensus:

Keep it short!

He didn't have bangs at that time and his hair just about reached his nape without covering his ears, it suited him quite well suffice to say he was a very adorable child... when he kept his mouth shut and bookshelves weren't falling on him.

Kim Jaehyun was half tempted to cut it to that length but didn't do so instead he focused on trying to bring up the thing he wanted to ask.

Kim Jaehyun had come to the same conclusion that the readers did, Lee Hyunjin lost his memory.

He didn't know how to explain the fact that Lee Hyunjin had disappeared for two years straight or that there was a grave marked with his name but one thing he was sure of was that the Lee Hyunjin in front of him had lost his memory.

The question was how much of it did he lose?

Even if he lost the memories of his college days, Kim Jaehyun had been with him since middle school... could he have lost those as well?

Unfortunately, whilst Kim Jaehyun was once again going through all these thoughts, the person who was the cause of his mental dilemma was busy talking all by his lonesome.

Lee Hyunjin was telling Kim Jaehyun what not to do when he enters Ifvnar. As if he was worried they would do something wrong and die, he yapped on like a living 'Ifvnar survival instruction manual' (audio version).

"Don't even think about camping on the ground unless you have a beast with keen senses. Sleep in the trees but when you're finding a tree to sleep in make sure they're no vines on it or around it, you'll die.
Don't eat anything except Eneri no matter how interesting they look, don't even try to pluck them, you'll die.
If you see a creature that looks like a demon possessed wolf with protruding teeth, just know it's not alone, there's an entire pack, especially if they have red fur, once they lock onto you they won't leave you alone so you have to be mindful, otherwise—

"I'll die," Kim Jaehyun said, there was a faint trace of laughter in his voice, he thought this Hyunjin is also talkative and unnecessarily worried about people he doesn't even know well..

Lee Hyunjin once again felt like he was being laughed at, but he could do nothing since the person he was instructing seemed to be listening properly.

As Lee Hyunjin thought of what other advice to give a sudden thought popped up and he spoke without thinking it through.

"You wouldn't be able to sleep in a tree if you're afraid of heights though ?" Lee Hyunjin said, "then finding a cave is better for you, just make sure there's absolutely nothing inside it. Also.."

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