59. Chaos: Convergence

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"I'm coming with you," Lee Hyunjin said.

Cerberus expected as much. He could see the worry etched in Lee Hyunjins face, for some reason it made him pity his master who was forgotten by this person.

As soon as Lee Hyunjin made to leave, the kids got up to follow.

"No," Lee Hyunjin said firmly, "Zeiha stay here and watch over them, don't let them follow me."

Minhees eyes trembled when she heard how firmly Lee Hyunjin rejected them, she shrunk back quietly and didn't utter a sound of complaint unlike her brothers.

Zeiha nodded in understanding and he watched Lee Hyunjin and Cerberus stealthily leave the room through the window.

Luckily there weren't any living establishments behind the inn, only a small courtyard so the two of them quickly went through it and headed for the entrance to Ifvnar.

"You are not my master but I will let you ride on my back."

Lee Hyunjin thanked Cerberus. He climbed onto Cerberus is back and Cerberus trotted forward, picking up speed as they went.

"I should warn you strange human... try not fall off, you will die," before Lee Hyunjin even heard everything Cerberus said, Cerberus's black mane was set ablaze, as was his tail and he charged forward.

Cerberus obviously didn't have something like a saddle, and the speed of a legendary beast was definitely level above that of a spirit beast. He was even faster than Eun. Lee Hyunjin had to lean down and hold on to his neck just so he doesn't fly off.

The speed they were moving it made it impossible for Lee Hyunjin to even see what was going passed him and for the first few minutes he kept his eyes tightly shut.

Lee Hyunjin thought, in the end, something did happen.... I really should've gone with them... maybe, maybe it was something that could've been avoided had I been there.

With this line of thought, Lee Hyunjin grit his teeth and said to Cerberus, "faster please."

Cerberus didn't respond verbally but his speed increased. Whilst he moved through the forest he tried to get in contact with his master but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried it felt like the link their shared was being weighted down by something.

Cerberus's flames turned an even deeper shade of red and his speed increased once more. He was exerting his spirit to the max in order to reach his master on time.

It was just then he caught sight of something strange right in front of him.

Cerberus came to a grinding halt, he had been moving so fast that the momentum kept pushing him forward despite him pulling back.

His flames flared and he finally stopped just a few metres away from the thing he saw. . "Hyunjin."

Lee Hyunjin was scared witless by the sudden halt but he still sat up slowly, his hand were trembling, they'd been going unnaturally fast just now and the way they stopped made him feel like he would be sent flying and crash into a tree.

Lee Hyunjin after calming down finally saw what made Cerberus stop, "corrupted spirit...."

The two of them could see thick clouds of black fog swirling around a clump of trees.

Cerberus's fiery eyes glowed brighter as he looked into the fog, "Even with enhanced vision, I cannot see through this, it must be highly concentrated corruption..." he said doubtfully, "also I won't be able to contact my master if I stay near this." Cerberus thought that if his master was beyond this fog, then he probably wouldn't be able to reach him if he didn't get away from it.

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