47. Convergence (V)

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(A/N: the above picture is a hanfu, it's Chinese attire and it's what Lee Hyunjin has been wearing all this while, (I had to google it to be sure 🤣) the colour is wrong but I just felt like I should specify because from this chapter onward I'll refer to it as a hanfu. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong..🙏)
I just realised this convergence arc is so long💀💀
Lee Hyunjin and Prince Levi didn't talk for very long but Levi found their conversation to be enlightening.

He could tell from the gaps in Lee Hyunjins story that he was possibly hiding some things but the information he did get was very useful.

"You're saying Rui is dead? How can you be sure your friends managed to kill it?"

Lee Hyunjin tugged at his robe, revealing his shoulder, "the mark it left on me disappeared... my friend told me that that would mean it had died." Even tho there was no mark, there was still the large scar left behind by Rui's fangs which made it clear that he indeed was bitten

Levi pondered for a moment, "these friends of yours... have you no idea where they are?"

Lee Hyunjin nodded.

"And the woman that saved you from the ... 'demon dogs' you say she told you the corruption is thickest at the centre of ifvnar and that's most likely where the source is?"

Lee Hyunjin nodded again.

"Alright, what about the Eneri?" Levi asked.

"It's in ifvnar, there's a lot of it there actually, it's in different places though but it's not too hard to find."

This time Levi nodded, ifvnar was dangerous and so it had gone unexplored for a long time. Even the people that were sent in on missions were most likely more focused on getting out alive so it was understandable that the existence of Eneri in ifvnar was unknown.

It was also unexpected, after all, how can something so pure sprout in a land of darkness like Ifvnar?

Levi looked at Lee Hyunjin in a new light, suprisingly this child actually had such a wealth of information in regards to ifvnar, he would have to change his plans now and inform Riven.

"Thank you, the information you've given me is very valuable, rest assured you won't go without payment," Levi said and stood up. Lee Hyunjin also stood up.

"I don't think you have to pay me... I mean you're already letting me stay here, if I can help—

"I'd like to make you an offer, Hyunjin."

Levi's words surprised Lee Hyunjin, he tilted his head to the side in question. "What is it?"

"Would you accompany us to ifvnar?"

Lee Hyunjin practically went weak in the knees, he held the corner of the table for balance then he immediately shook his head, "I can't... I can't go back in there."

Levi was stunned by his reaction, as someone who had dared to run back in there when running from them, he didn't think he would refuse. What Levi didn't know was that Lee Hyunjins legs would carry him anywhere in the opposite direction in order to escape from whatever he deemed a threat.

"That place... it's too scary, the monsters in there are crazy and huge, it's too dangerous. I can't take the kids back in there. Why are you even going in there?" Lee Hyunjin asked, his tone was lined with fear that came from experience.

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