Chapter 27 - The Mermaid

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For Christmas lunch we had a lovely meal of turkey, ham and a roast pork, we helped Emily prepare it because even with magic it was quite a task. After that we all sat in the drawing room, working on our transfiguration homework, which would have been easier had Brooklyn arrived home yet. Suddenly the fire that was burning in the fireplace turned green and Brooklyn stepped out, a bag swung over her shoulder, looking almost exhausted. She sat down, placing her bag next to her, as she breathed a sigh of exhaustion.
"I love those idiots." She announced "But God they can be so extra sometimes."
We all laughed looking over her to make sure she was okay, her hair was a bit wild and messy, she looked a little cold and a little tired. Emily got up before walking to the kitchen, she returned with four thermos of hot cocoa, no doubt with marshmallows how she always makes them. We then sat in a circle as Brooklyn told stories of what happened and even showed us the presents she received, a silver charm bracelet with the marauders slogan engraved on it, and a motorbike helmet. We all stared at it confused while she offered an explanation.
"James, Remus, Peter and I pooled together and brought Sirius a motorbike." She explained "Then James, Remus and Peter brought me a helmet so I could go riding with him sometimes."
We finished our hot chocolates before layering up, deciding that we would go out and play in the snow for a while, Emily was going to put Maddy to sleep before cleaning up and preparing for dinner. We all went outside and set to work making a snowman, we were having a really good time until a lump of rolled up snow hit the side of my face. I turned around to see Tamsin bending over, laughing hysterically, I smirked before ditching one right back at her, we then ended up in a fully fledged snowball fight, we then continued our snowman. Suddenly Brooklyn dropped to the ground, concerned I went to yell her name but then she started making a snow angel, I smiled before joining her, one by one we all made snow angels. We stood up and admired our work, Emily came out and went up to the barn, saying she needed to check on the animals, we nodded and watched our snow Angels. Brooklyn tilted her head at them fondly.
"Now we really are angels."
We all laughed quietly when the peacefulness of the moment was shattered by baby Madeleine screaming, but what was the scariest bit was seeing Brooklyn's face loose every trace of colour because of the voice that followed it. Within a second she was off and running, the three of us on her heels, we threw open the door, we sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Brooklyn slammed open the door to the nursery, her wand extended in front of her even though she wasn't of age and allowed to use it. What we found was a man in his late thirties too early forties, he had light brown hair that had a tinge of red mixed into it, he had dark blue eyes that seemed to be filled with ice, but the most important thing we noticed was his wand pressed into Maddy's throat
"NO!" Brooklyn yelled
Her father looked up, a sadistic smile on his face, Brooklyn looked ready to either kill him or die herself, instinctively Tamsin, Millie and I stood in front of her. Her father simply pressed the wand deeper into Maddy's neck, in response she screamed louder, then we heard the front door open, which meant Emily was home.
"Tell her everythings fine or else the baby gets it." He hissed
Brooklyn turned around before shouting back down to Emily.
Her voice wavered and it wasn't apparently good enough for her father because he pressed the wand deeper, already it was starting to bruise her delicate skin. Her screams were getting more demanding and more heart wrenching, and then her father pulled the wand away from Maddy, his eyes were haunting and murderous.
"Give me Brooklyn and I'll give you the baby."
We all went to shake our heads but Brooklyn pushed past us all and we were all too stunned to do anything to stop her.
"Fine," She stated "But give me Maddy first."
Her father passed her the screaming Madeline, who upon being handed to someone she knew and trusted stopped screaming but continued crying. Brooke then passed me Maddy, before bravely stepping forward, I knew that this was one of those times when she was being stupid and reckless and wasn't thinking properly. Millie instantly grabbed her hand to pull her back, but Brooklyn being Brooklyn simply shrugged her hand away. Her father smirked before locking the door and using his wand tied us three up, Brooklyn stood, her back against the door, her face deathly pale. He pulled her forward to the centre of the room before raising his wand.
The spell hit Brooklyn and almost instantly she began screaming, dropping to the ground and thrashing as if trying to get it away from her. Millie seemed to be taking this sight the worst as she struggled against the ropes despite Brooklyn only being under the spell for a minute. He removed the spell before casting one that none of us had heard before.
Brooklyn who hadn't even had the chance to recover was then hit with the curse, which made her scream even louder, although this time we could see blood seeping from her clothes.
"NO!" Millicent screamed "STOP IT PLEASE!"
Maddy began screaming again because of all the yelling from Millie and gut wrenching screams of pain coming from Brooklyn, not to mention the sadistic laughter from Brooke's dad. One thing happened that made all of us, particularly Millie, try to escape our bounds, was Brooklyn falling still, her breathing became slower and the tortue became more intense, fearing for her life Millicent fought harder. Suddenly we heard pounding footsteps on the staircase, then pounding on the door as Emily tried to get in. Then everything happened in a blur, Millicent managed to get free and raced forward kneeing Brooke's father in the balls, he doubled over in pain which allowed us to get free. We raced over to Brooklyn who, thankfully, was still alive, she laid still, her chest rising and falling raggedly, I ran to the door and tried to open it but couldn't. Then Brooklyn's father recovered, pointing his wand at Millicent, his face distorted with blind rage, he opened his mouth.
Brooklyn jumped in front of Millicent, how on earth did she even get up? Then the door slammed open and Emily jumped in front of both of them, before raising her own wand against her brother.
The spell hit him directly in the chest and he went flying into the soft chair that Emily used for breastfeeding, she then stunned him. She stalked up to him, murder in her eyes, she prodded him in the chest using her wand.
"You, Raymond, will get out of my house and never come near here again." She seethed "You will never come near Brooklyn again, nor any of these girls."
He nodded and then left the room, but not before elbowing Brooklyn sharply in the ribs, so hard that she fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Once he was gone we all turned our attention to her.


Can I just say I'm sorry? I haven't updated this in over two months and I'm really sorry but the good news is I've planned all the chapters so hopefully writing should be a bit easier :)

I hope everyone enjoyed tonight's update and I'll see you all later

Bella <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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