Chapter 23 - The Mermaid

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I arrived at the Silver Ford Anglia where Brooklyn was leaning against and Millicent was putting her suitcase in the boot. I walked forward and smiled at them, in return I got two dazzling and mischievous smiles flashed in my direction, confused for a minute until the answer was revealed. I heard somebody's footsteps and a trunk, I turned around to find Tamsin, my eyes narrowed and I scowled.
"I'm not dealing with this." I declared "I'm out."
Brooklyn blocked my way, moving surprisingly fast considering she was standing on the other side of Millicent a second ago. She fixed me with a glare.
"Where are you gonna go Arden?" I didn't reply "That's what I thought."
I scowled and crossed my arms, Brooklyn's aunt, who insisted we call her Em, came out towards Brooklyn with a baby girl, around eighteen months, which brought a smile to all of our faces. But what made it better was to see Brooklyn's reaction.
"Brooke someone else has missed you."
Brooklyn spun around, confused, but when her eyes landed on the little girl her face lit up in a huge smile of pure joy.
"OH MY GOD SHE'S GOTTEN SO BIG NOW!" She cooed, taking the girl into her arms, "Isn't that right Maddy? Who's the cutest, yes you are."
The baby, whose name we now knew was Madeline giggled, while Brooklyn laughed, playing with her and making her giggled. If Remus was here now I think he would have actually fainted out of pure shock, watching her interact with Maddy was the cutest. We all piled into the car, Brooklyn was in the front seat, nursing baby Maddy on her lap, Millicent was in the middle, I was behind Brooke and Tamsin was behind Em. Brooklyn flashed Millicent a comforting smile while her and Em discussed what the plan was for Christmas, when Em brought it up Brooklyn's face fell and her eyes became haunted and scared. In an instant Maddy reflected her expression, pouting in the cutest way possible.
"Father won't be coming will he?" She asked, her voice small
In an instant Emily shook her head, her face angry and fuming, her hands gripped the steering wheel in an angry manner.
"No way in hell is that prick coming here."
Brooklyn sighed in relief and started entertaining Madeline again. Millicent rested her head on my shoulder and soon fell asleep, without meaning to. I soon followed in her footsteps, I slipped off to sleep leaning against the window.


My eyes fluttered open as I was being shaken awake by Millie, she smiled at my confused and disorientated face before answering the question I hadn't yet asked.
"We're here."
Here was at Brooklyn aunt's small farm up in Derbyshire, in what it consisted of was a small barn, a couple sheep and a dairy cow, four horses and a dog. From the looks of it there was also a stable but I wasn't sure. A border collie who ran right up to us, she started jumping up and down, Brooklyn's cat hissed and hid in the depths of her shoulder. Brooklyn laughed, putting Maddy on her hip, giving the dog a rub on the head before walking up the path towards a farmhouse made out of dark grey bricks. Leading up to the door was a small brick wall, the door was red and the house had two stories, the windows were painted white adding a bit of a modern look. The garden was huge and had lots of space, there was also a dog kennel that didn't look like it was used very often. We followed after Brooklyn down the path as Emily levitated all of our trunks so that we didn't have to carry them. We walked into the house, admiring the kitchen, dining room and drawing room.
"It feels empty." I commented "Like it's not lived in enough, it's full but it lacks life, joy and memories."
Emily nodded, we all watched as the trunks fell upstairs and we heard them be dropped gently on the ground, Emily smiled in satisfaction.
"It used to be so full of life." She explained "Particularly when Park and Brookes came but well this is the first time Brooke's visited in five years."
Brooklyn nodded, confirming the horrible truth that I wouldn't think possible. I guess her father refused to take her and she was too scared to ask or get help from anyone. I love the girl, don't get me wrong but she can be so damn stubborn it's infuriating. Brooklyn gave her aunty a hug, putting her baby cousin in her play area before leading us upstairs to where I assume the bedrooms were. She walked into a hallway, there were three doors either side, she opened the first door on our right revealing a bathroom.
"That is a bathroom, obviously."
We all snickered and she led us to the room opposite the one she just opened, revealing a bedroom with a rocking chair and a double bed with a bedside table either side.
"Where my parents or any other guests slept when they came."
We nodded and she then led us to the next door down, the room next to where the bathroom is, she opened the door to reveal a baby nursery. Self explanatory that one, obviously it's where Baby Maddy sleeps, no need to explain that one. Brooke moved onto the door across the hall, opening the door to reveal a bedroom with a queen sized bed, a wardrobe, full length mirror and a dresser.
"Aunty Em's room."
She moved onto the room next to the nursery, opening the door to reveal a completely white room with one wall exposed bricks that had been cleaned and cared for. It had a king single with fairy lights around the room, a couple pillows in a corner with a small tent-like thing over top. Brooke gasped.
"It's exactly how I remember it." She whispered "This was always my room, Aunty Em had it styled exactly how I wanted it. I thought she would have repurposed it."
The only thing different was the four mattresses all put together to form a long bed, obviously where we were all meant to sleep, it had piles of pillows and blankets on it just for us, our trunks were all there as well. Brooke smiled before walking across the room at the door across from hers, swallowing she opened it to reveal a room exactly like hers but was obviously styled for a male. No doubt it was...
"Parkers room." She breathed
We all smiled and walked back downstairs, she gave us the tour down there as well, there was an office, laundry, another toilet and then the kitchen, dining room and drawing room which we had already seen. Emily then announced that lunch was ready, we all walked to the dining room and had lunch.


The air was still icy the day after we arrived, Tamsin and I shot each other glares and refused to sleep next to each other. Brooke and Millie tried to keep up the spirits but it didn't really work well, in the end after a big english style breakfast we decided to go for a walk. Brooklyn decided to show us the barn. We didn't notice but Millie and Brooke pushed Tamsin and I inside before running out the doors and locking them shut. I took one look at Tamsin before pounding on the doors.
Tamsin gasped before launching herself at me, luckily the barn had been cleaned and there was no manure or dirt around as we tussled with each other. Tamsin ended up pinning me to the ground, a furious glint in her eye.
"WELL I'M LISTENING NOW!" I yelled back at her "SO TALK!"


Sorry, it's been basically forever since I've updated this book but I'm planning a new one and am trying to post all of the Kinesis Girls so it's out of the way.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back soon with another update. And if it's not here in another three days then I give you all permission to Private Message me demanding an update. But only in three days!!!

As always,

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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