Chapter 25 - The Dragon

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We had our girls' night, stayed up late, ate quite a bit of lollies and popcorn, and when we woke up we woke to a full English Breakfast cooked by Emily. Once we all woke up a bit more and got dressed we all piled into the Ford Angila despite it being such a small car Emily had cast spells to make it much more roomy, which we were all grateful for. We decided to start our shopping at Sheffield which had a wide variety of stores where we could get the bulk of our shopping done, Brooklyns face lit up at a candy store.
"I know exactly what to get Lily, Marlene and Alice now." She exclaimed "I'll meet you all at that shop just there."
She pointed to a perfume shop of some sorts and we all nodded as she skipped away towards the lolly shop, we all laughed at her enthusiasm. We all decided to split up and meet back at the perfume shop in fifteen minutes. I honestly had no idea what on earth I was going to get the girls for Christmas, that was until I walked into a jewelry shop, my eyes landed on an angel halo charm and I smiled. I decided to buy that, and then ten minutes later I was standing out front of the doors of the perfume shop, suddenly Brooklyn appeared next to me. In her hands were three separate bags of lollies and chocolates I presume, she smiled at me.
"I just need to get a couple more things" She said "I'll be back in a couple of minutes."
I nodded and she disappeared inside the perfume shop, I kept watch and my eyes fell on Arden who joined me soon enough. Then Millie arrived and then true to her promise Brooklyn arrived a couple minutes later with more bags, except this time she put all her shopping in a single bag to keep her hands free. She smiled and then realised something, she turned to Emily while Arden, Millie and I all watched in confusion.
"I need to go to Diagon Alley to get something." She said "Can we head home and then I'll go by myself or with one of the girls?"
Emily nodded and we all took our shopping and ourselves back to the car, we loaded it all into the boot and then piled into the cab. Emily drove us all back to the farm which was approximately an hour travel, when we arrived we all hid our bags in different places to avoid peeking. Then we all reconvened in the Drawing Room where the main fireplace was located, Brooklyn smiled before turning to us.
"Who wants to come?" She asked
"I will!" I volunteered
She smiled and nodded and we both approached the fireplace, Brooklyn remembered something and raced back upstairs before coming back down with a pouch in her hands. I inclined my head and she mouthed she'd tell me later, I shrugged and watched as Brooklyn entered the fireplace, grabbed a bit of floo powder.
"DIAGON ALLEY!" She announced clearly
The flames turned green and overcame her, transporting her to Diagon Alley, hopefully, I followed in her footsteps.
At the other end I was met with Brooklyn and she took my hand, leading me through the crowds, we took a lot of care not to be noticed by anyone. She stopped out the front of a store that I didn't recognise but she smiled.
"I'll only be a sec." She promised "Don't worry."
I nodded and waited outside as she entered the shop, returning five minutes later with a massive smile on her face. I inclined my head and in return she opened the pouch, motioning for me to look inside, I peered over to find the shrunken version of a motorbike located in there. Without any indication from me she started explaining.
"Remus, James, Peter and I pooled our money together to buy Sirius this for christmas." She explained "I got the lady to shrink it and I'm going to wrap it and then give it to him when I go to the Potters."
I nodded and she took my hand before leading me to the nearest lolly shop, clearly I didn't need to even ask to know who she was buying for, it was obviously Peter Pettingrew. We walked in and she brought a packaged mix of hard candies, soft candies, gummies, beans and chocolates. We then headed into the Quidditch Supplies and she brought a Broom Polishing Kit, the finest of course, no doubt for James. She then stopped once we exited the building, I nudged her in the ribs to get her to share her thoughts.
"I have no idea what to get Remus?" She thought for a second "No wait I've got it!"
She then almost ran to the bookstore, I laughed as she dragged me along behind her, we arrived and burst through the door. Thankfully the store was practically empty so we didn't have to worry about being spotted, Brooklyn made a beeline for some of the non fiction books. She picked out two before racing over to the other side of the store and picking out another two before going back to the counter. She paid for her selections and we exited the store, she clearly wasn't done as she dragged me back over to the candy store. Inside she brought a box of different chocolates, and then she brought a bit more candy for Peter and James. Then we headed to the Leaky Cauldron to use a fireplace and get back to the Farm, we walked in and headed upstairs to one of the communal drawing rooms, which thankfully was empty. We each grabbed a bit of floo powder and Brooklyn gestured for me to go first, which I did.
"EMILY COLE'S FARMHOUSE!" I announced clearly
I was overwhelmed with green flames as I was transported back to the farmhouse fireplace in the drawing room. I stepped out and then seconds later Brooklyn appeared from behind me with all of her shopping bags, which was only two. She then left the room to go put them with her other bags which we didn't know where they were, and we wouldn't try to locate them. She came back down with Millie and Arden in tow. She smiled at us all and we ventured off to the stables to ride the horses.
It was christmas morning and we were all still asleep on our joining mattresses, I was currently snuggled up next to Brooklyn who was really warm. All of a sudden someone bounced over to us, shaking us both awake vigorously.
"GET UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Millicent screamed "GET UP NOW!"
We slowly got up, Brooklyn suddenly smiled widely and helped pull me up, we both pulled on hoodies and headed downstairs where Arden was already waiting, looking dead. Emily appeared from the kitchen soon enough with a massive smile on her face.
"Right then who's ready for presents?" She asked
We all nodded and raced into the drawing room under the christmas tree, Brooklyn sipped her coffee before handing us all neatly wrapped boxes. We opened them in sync and found a charm bracelet that all had a single charm on them, the charm of our house. I smiled before handing them all the presents I got for them, they all opened it and found an angel wing charm. Arden then smiled and handed out our presents which were again charms, I had a Horse head, Millie had a wolf head and Brooklyn had a tiger paw, Arden brought herself an owl charm, meant to represent our Patronuses. Millicent then handed out our presents which were a charm that had the first letter of our name, which was obvious. We all laughed at how in tune we were with each other before putting on the bracelets. Of course we were all aware that we couldn't wear them around Hogwarts because people would put two and two together and work out our identities. I gave everyone a hug and soon enough we were having a massive group hug on the floor, then Maddy crawled over and joined us, which made us all laugh, including Emily.


Hey Everyone!!

The image in the media is the updated face claims, I changed them again oops.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, many more things to come...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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