Chapter 2 - The Mermaid

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Brooklyn barged into the ROR where Millie, Tam and myself were waiting, we all looked at her as she recovered from her run.
"Well, well, well, we've been expecting you." I said
"About time Brook!"
"Why are you always late?"
She held up her hands in surrender but she has a massive smile on her face, she knew it was just some banter.
"Sorry, I was with the guys and then Lily needed me quickly, but I'm here now." She replied
"As far as excuses go" I observed, "that is by far the most convincing."
"It's not an excuse!" She cried exasperated
"It's really not." Tamsin confirmed
We both looked at her and Brooklyn smiled.
"Thanks Tammy at least you're on my side."
She smiled and they both quickly hugged, this whole Secret Angels business is the hardest on them because they have to hate each other outside of here.
"You know none of those things I said are true right Brookey"
"I know Tam, just tell that to the Marauders."
We both laughed and the other two stood one watching us closely.
"What happened."
"Basically Tammy here insulted me and Sirius so I had an amazing comeback which I obviously didn't mean, then she called me a bitch, James got upset so I told him to chill. Then Tammy called me pathetic and a slut, obviously that made Sirius angry so he got in her face and was like 'Back of Brooklyn', then Tammy questioned him..."
"Sirius then said that I'll have to answer to him, then James backed him up, then Remus and then Peter. They ganged up on me."
We all giggled over how protective the Marauders are over Brook, they are basically her older brothers, don't tell Brooklyn but it's obvious to everyone. but her, that Remus is practically in love with her!
"So what's the plan, I feel like the Marauders are gonna pull something soon and we need to top it." I announced
Brooklyn nodded, she's like our spy in the Marauders, not that they would ever know, they all protect her and love her like a sister so they wouldn't guess a thing.
"They're definitely planning something but they're being careful, keeping to themselves and their room."
We all nodded and pulled out the Chalkboard, it allows us to see what people are doing, that's mainly how we know what the Marauders' are planning.
"The Marauders" Tamsin announced in a clear voice
The chalkboard was then covered in a misty fog before it cleared and revealed the Marauders, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. They were in their bedroom sitting on their beds, talking about the events of the afternoon.
"I can't believe her!" James shouted
"She is the worst!' Peter announced
"To insult Tiggy like that." Remus replied shaking his head
"If she ever does it again I swear I am going to beat her so badly she won't be able to walk for weeks. Then I'll ensure her a one way ticket to hell!" Sirius yelled
Tamsin looked a bit scared and guilty, she hates having to act blood prejudice in front of everyone, she couldn't actually care about people's blood status. She also hates having to insult Brooke all the time, even though Brooke doesn't mind.
"Ignore them Tammy, I won't let them do that." Brooke assured her
Tamsin smiled and we continued watching as Sirius had a fit over what Tam did to Brooke, I have to admit I feel a little jealous. I still remember the day when we had a sleepover in here.
"Ardy, truth or dare?"
Tamsin smiled evilly and exchanged looks with Millicent.
"Who do you have a crush on?"
I looked down at my lap, sparing Brooklyn a glance before deciding to be honest, they'd be able to tell if I wasn't.
"Sirius Black."
Brooklyn stared at me for a second before jumping up, Millicent and Tamsin looked at her worryingly, scared of her reaction. She started running around the room.
"I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT! Arisus or Sirden whichever sounds the best! I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT!"
"Wait don't you two have a thing going on?" I asked confused
Brooklyn stopped in her tracks and turned to me slowly, locking eyes with me and I waited for her outburst.
"That would be absolutely disgusting, that would be incest, Sirius is like, no scratch that, is a brother to me. Dating him would be dating family." Brooklyn said seriously
"Oh. So you don't like him?" I asked
"I swear on my life that I, Brooklyn Georgia Carson, do not like or have ever liked Sirius Orion Black as anything more than a friend or brother."
I still remember that day, Brooklyn is always doing things to set up Sirius and I, although I doubt he likes me back.
"Brookey, what's the whole Tiggy thing about?" Millie asks
I was wondering that, the Marauders often call her Tig or Tiggy, it's strange.
"Umm no reason, they just wanted to call me something so they rolled with Tiggy or Tig, though usually they just call me Brooke or Brookey."
"Okay. Now back to the prank, I was thinking something along the lines of ''opera?" Tamsin opened
"We should make all of the teachers sing Opera for an entire day." I added
"Yes!" Millicent added
"Who's prank though, are we rolling with the innocent Unicorn, the feisty Dragon, the alluring Siren or the beautiful Mermaid?" Brooke asked
I thought for a minute, who should take recognition for this prank.
"It will require a potion so I'm thinking the Dragon should handle this one." I advised
Everyone else agreed, now we had to plan logistics, we all turned into what the marauders were talking about.
"It has to be big!" James added
"Yep it does to outshine the Angels."
"How about we turn the lights into fireflies at dinner?" Remus suggested
They all agreed so we put away the Spy board and talked, finally agreeing on the same dinner that night, that should throw everyone into a spin.
"Sounds good, Tam can you manage that?"
She nodded and we decided to leave, staggering our departures obvious. Mille decided to leave last.


Hey everyone! Thanks for sticking around!

How everyone's okay and staying safe in these crazy times.

Below this authors note is the insignia that appears whenever Arden does a prank.

Enjoy this chapter everyone and I'm just going to share a quote with everyone that I really believe

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Enjoy this chapter everyone and I'm just going to share a quote with everyone that I really believe.

Be what who you WANT TO BE, not what others WANT TO SEE.

There we go everyone enjoy your day of night whatever time your reading this!


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